I never thought I'd be making six figures in my 20s.. i'm now in my 30s and making around 150K a year, and wifeanon is financially dumb and needy, but still.. with 4 kids we're barely making it.. and we live in a very low-cost of living state.. Idk how people on hourly pay are surviving.
kek.. Not a fan of economics are ya. I don't have an agreed income or anything, its not a trick, its the value I'm able to squeeze out of what I do.
There would still be trade with or without currency, but backup plan is 77 acres, chickens, squirrels, rabbit venison and a stocked pond.
I have very sensitive skin, UV gives me sunburns and I have unfortunately self-inflicted them without the sun… messing around with UV cured resin.. I'm not really into all that global warming stuff anyway you can save it.