Dead what? Why'd you stop mid sentence?
>Trump has said he will appeal the ruling but canโt do so without putting up the cash
What cash? The fine? So if you get a ruling against you, you have to pay it before you can appeal? What happens when someone can't pay it, they can't appeal?
It is incomplete. What do they have that's dead? Now if you meant DIED that's another meaning.
"can I haz cheeseburger" doesn't change the meaning. Swapping DEAD for DIED does in your sentence does, DEAD makes it an incomplete sentence.
Not at all. "Can I haz cheeseburger" is asking for a cheeseburger, just like "Can I have a cheeseburger?"
Your incomplete sentence said "COMMUNIST REVOLUTION 2015 HAS DEAD".
Dead what? Squirrels? Humans?
If you wanted to say the communist revolution has died, that's a different meaning than "COMMUNIST REVOLUTION 2015 HAS DEAD".
Yes english is my first language. "Communist Revolution has dead" is an incomplete sentence. Once again, has dead WHAT?
Your magic rituals are fake bullshit.
Yes I can read, you can't write. You posted an incomplete sentence, claimed it as child speak which it's not because the base meaning is changed. You're pretending to post magic and are all around retarded.
Because the world doesn't revolve around money. If I'm found guilty of something I didn't do and fined an amount I can't pay I still have the right to appeal.
What makes you think my name isn't remembered, or if it weren't that I would care.
It sounds like you're afraid of being forgotten. I know I'm eternal.
I'd say your lack of logic "if you can't pay you don't need to appeal" shows who's retarded, just saying.
If you're wrongfully convicted and fined all you care about is the fine?
You don't know my name or what I'm know for. All you know is I'm anon and you're trying to project being a loser onto me.
I know I'm eternal. What you think of my name (if you knew it) means nothing to me.
I care far more about Truth than money. Truth has far more power than they do, but people like you care more about money.
>Ban journalist's from taking a second pay cheque
That's absolutely against the concept of freedom of press. Every citizen can be a journalist.