Anonymous ID: 242153 Feb. 24, 2024, 2:04 a.m. No.20467045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7047 >>7065



Note: dough below to both rally notes.!!


LIVE: President Trump Holds a Get Out the Vote Rally in Rock Hill, S.C. - 2/23/24

President Donald J. Trump will hold a final "Get Out the Vote" rally at the Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hill, South Carolina, on Friday, Feb. 23, 2024.

RSBN will be LIVE with full coverage of President Trump's remarks at 4:00 p.m. ET.


>>20464283 djt: jan 16 the last time we were here.

President Trump: Nikki Haley is relying on democrats and liberals. You know, democrats are financing her campaign. One of her biggest supporters is a radical-left democrat, who made some money with the internet. A very bad guy, actually.

President Trump: The saddest thing is we have nine months to go, and the kind of stupidity and destruction that they have, and can cause, is just mind-boggling, so we have to just hope that this time flies, because we have to take over. They're going to destroy this country.

President Trump: I strongly support the availability of IVF for couples who are trying to have a precious little beautiful baby, I support it. And today, I am calling on the Alabama legislature to act quickly to find an immediate solution to preserve the availability of IVF in Alabama, and I'm sure they are going to do that. The republican party should always be on the side of the miracle of life, and the side of mothers and fathers, and beautiful little babies. IVF is an important part of that, and our great republican party will always be with you. We're always going to be with you in your quest to find that ultimate joy in life, You know, the ultimate joy in life is a beautiful, healthy, wonderful baby

President Trump: Mitt Romney is a disaster for the republican party, and now he's gone. You know, we're getting rid of a lot of these people that are so bad.

>>20464518 djt: got to send a signal. 1 QDrop.

President Trump: I will revoke China's Most Favored Nations trade status, and we will impose stiff penalties on China and other trade abusers; they are a tremendous trade abuser.

President Trump: As tariffs on foreign countries go up, taxes on American workers and families will come down very substantially.

President Trump: In New York City, our police are being mobbed, brutalized, and horrifically beaten by swarms of migrants who have no business being in our country, yet then they are released back onto the streets, while giving our police officers the middle finger…these are people that come from countries; I guarantee you they wouldn't do that in their country. They wouldn't do that in their country. I know their countries, You do that in their country, they wouldn't be living for more than five minutes.

President Trump: We are a nation that just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will be reducing their oil production, while at the same time, substantially increasing the price, and we met that threat by announcing that we will no longer be drilling for oil in large areas of Alaska, and elsewhere on our beautiful lands.

Djt: And we will Make America Great Again



Anonymous ID: 242153 Feb. 24, 2024, 2:05 a.m. No.20467047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7065 >>7066




President Donald J. Trump will hold a final "Get Out the Vote" rally at the Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hill, South Carolina, on Friday, Feb. 23, 2024.

starts at 2hr 10 minutes timestamp.


President Trump: As one sign of just how great a job we've done, there are more black republicans serving in the US House of Representatives today, than at any time since the 1870s…to me, that's a sign of progress, but the radical-left democrats; it's a cause for panic for them.

President Trump: Under my administration, black Americans prospered like no time in the history of our country, We achieved the lowest African-American unemployment rate ever recorded…we also set record low unemployment rate among black young people.

President Trump: Biden gave you a three year inflation rate of almost thirty-nine percent…didn't matter if you made a little bit more money, after inflation you were way, way behind.

President Trump: The average mortgage payment is now almost two times as high, costing the typical family an extra nineteen thousand dollars a year in mortgage payments from when I was president.

President Trump: For Biden, wrecking the dreams of African-Americans is nothing new. You know this. You know the real story behind this guy…you can really go back into history with him, it's the only thing he's really been good at his entire career. You know what that is? Being a racist. Because he's a racist.

President Trump: The radical democrat party has waged war on black families for many, many decades. Think of it- it's really a hundred years. It's a century. They've controlled these cities for a hundred years…you take a look at Baltimore, you take a look at New York, you take a look at Chicago, you take a look at all these places. Take a look at what's going on in the west coast. Take a look at what's happening…they're slum areas, they're dangerous. Nothing has happened. And we're going to change it.

President Trump: Biden spent years palling around with notorious segregationists…he boasted that his home state was a slave state; he was very proud of that. He thought it was great. If you go back and look at his body language and the way he said it, he was very proud of it. He said that he didn't want his children to grow up in a "racial jungle"

President Trump: Joe Biden drafted the 1994 crime bill which caused unfair sentencing disparities that devastated the black community…Corey Booker called Biden the architect of mass-incarceration…it was a time when Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden were talking about predators and super predators…and then years later, in an act of stolen valor, Crooked Joe had the nerve to falsely portray himself as a hero of the civil rights movement, which was so false.

President Trump: Unlike racist Joe Biden, I've spent my entire life working hand in hand with black Americans to create jobs, build buildings, invest in our communities, and expand opportunity and freedom for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed.

President Trump: Human trafficking; and it's almost always with women. It's women. And you think of it as almost as an ancient crime…it's worse today than it was a thousand years ago. And the reason is because of the computer. Because of the internet. They search the internet for women and they grab 'em. It's an unbelievable, horrible thing, and it's big business. It's getting to be as big as the drug business, and we're going to stop these people.

President Trump: Since Biden took office, over twenty-nine major cites have seen a thirty percent increase in murders, or higher. They've never had a crime wave like this in the country; it's going to get much worse because of migrant crime. Last year, Washington, DC, had the highest number of murders in twenty-six years…no one has suffered more than black Americans from the pro-crime agenda of white liberals. Most of the violent crimes in these cities are committed by a small handful of dangerous, repeat offenders, many of whom have been set loose by marxist prosecutors, they don't want to go after them, and radical district attorneys, who are too focused on locking up republicans.

President Trump: Black conservatives understand better than most that some of the greatest evils in our nation's history have come from corrupt systems that try to target and subjugate others to deny them their freedom, and to deny them their rights. You understand that. I think that's why the black people are so much on my side now, because they see what's happening to me, happens to them.

President Trump: I will support our community churches, and we will put faith and family at the center of American life.


Anonymous ID: 242153 Feb. 24, 2024, 2:59 a.m. No.20467135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7143

anon missed the second trump rally.

watching now.

Trump is a great showman. he won the crowd and taking the piss out of biden,

he is a great speaker and natural being himself.

he actually said, i'm up here rapping to you guyz without a teleprompter.

great to see genuine love for the people.

Anonymous ID: 242153 Feb. 24, 2024, 3:23 a.m. No.20467182   🗄️.is 🔗kun


that speech to the black conservatives was fantastic.

definitely worth a watch.

The thing with trump, he knows redemption is possible, does not hold grudges and knows that if you fuck with him, he will make sure you get the spotlight so everyone can see your treachery.

spiritual warfare is real and works both ways.

Anonymous ID: 242153 Feb. 24, 2024, 3:57 a.m. No.20467268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7278


what a crock of shit.

time does not exist.

there is now, there was the past and there is the future which comes from your actions in the past and present.

Trust in God and take accountability for your actions or inactions.

Anonymous ID: 242153 Feb. 24, 2024, 4:24 a.m. No.20467344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7383


> clindamycin

The mother is exactly right to refuse this drug for her son. see below.

long article but anon has just clipped the use for children.


A doctor may prescribe clindamycin for children as an oral solution to treat:

serious respiratory infections

serious infections of the skin or soft tissue

blood poisoning

infections in the abdomen

infections in the female reproductive tract

A dermatologist may prescribe clindamycin in the form of a gel, solution, or lotion to treat acne.

A doctor may prescribe clindamycin in the form of a transvaginal suppository to treat bacterial vaginal infections. Alternatively, they may prescribe a clindamycin lotion for vaginal infections. Pregnant people in their second and third trimesters can use the lotion.

Some people can also take clindamycin for uses that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not formally approved. Sometimes, for example, doctors use clindamycin to treat anthrax and malaria.

Dentists also use clindamycin as a preventive treatmentTrusted Source for endocarditis, which is an infection of the heart’s lining that can occur after a dental procedure in people who are at risk.

Before having surgery, some people receive clindamycin to prevent surgical site infections.