Anonymous ID: 085fea July 5, 2018, 3:46 p.m. No.2047533   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7550


Then prove it & sto shitting up the bread with "me, me, me"! You banned me MULTIPLE TIMES because I stood up to you about the Anon bans, & posted the Ban List for Anons to keep you in check & you would deny all my appeals. I'm a digger, have had multiple notables & Q response…but you Calle do me concerfag, shill& even freaking AIM. So, I have zero sympathy for you! I have screenshots of the bans & your META thread post deletions…which I will be putting a graphic together to show your post deletions & bans.


Actions speak louder than words…fade back into the shadows of Anon or I will post the graphic I make of your fkry!