Anonymous ID: 0f72ea July 5, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.2047448   🗄️.is 🔗kun


People keep telling you to shut up but apparently you are taking estrogen for your sex change, and this is why you continue to make these posts here?

You have an emotional issue because of the drugs, ok, I get that.


But you have to realize at some point, maybe at the end of the day, that this really is pointless.

For whatever reason, justified or unjustified, you have been beclowned.

The words you write no longer matter.

The content of the argument is irrelevant because you are talking inside baseball and it seems silly to everyone else.

Sorry to be the one to inform you of this because you do seem sincere.


Good luck with the sex change by the way. I know someone who did it and she/he has a perfectly normal life now.