>I’m an accountant.
>Michael Morell
has to be the creepiest looking CIA person that anon has ever seen in their life
>former CIA DIrector
former acting CIA Director
>Lee Fang
>Good for getting normies to think a little about what the fuck is going on.
Note the date in the name of the file attached
Cash Jordan is late
his first name is telling
Are you a pig lover?
Defend this one where he symbolizes Don, Don Jr., and Eric in jail.
Or the next one where he tells anons to stagnate the US economy.
Or the next one where Pig reaches into his Chinese herbal medicine cabinet.
Hopefully you get plenty of views, Cash.
Look at all his posts. Then look at mine. Then you tell me who the dumb son of a bitch is. Automatic name calling is a sign that they have no real reasonable argument to make. So they just attack.