The minute you hit a homo hire hole in the road all that shit falls right off.
What do you mean, we? You want to witness that?
I trust mechanics more than "doctors". Mechanics have to get it to work. "Doctors" don't.
Fuck everybody who wears a uniform.
Hollywood imitates life.
This is a war between good and evil.
The weak fail.
6th grade: Matt13:12
My not granted because I am huite Phd is worth 8 x Chinese Phds and they outnumbered us 7 to 1.
Fuck the UN.
AI Kill ratio: I win
As long as 1 free mind can sweep all your best, I win.
Dildos like Nikki realized too late that all comms are bugged
If you need a uniform or props on the wall to compel your demands, you are worthless.
Cringe before your DS daddy, dumbfucks
See you next war