how am i suppose to write sweet little kuhlo things when supreme gas chamber orals are fightin off bribed twat orals
moar pruuf ALEC BALDWINS BIG BUTT needs to live on the streets and be poor
serial xinu offendurh still pandurin duh bologna of church proxy
pride gluton standing on trial fo secret cult sodoy crimes
investor in duh antichrist shaved butt
still blasphemin
aftur complex compoundin
hi fashioned rapey murderur still faxing its own ass to itself
convicted seks offendur can;t stap molestin twitter
rental peurto rican mad
rental peurto rican almost strokes out
overpublicized abomination still compound fraudin and faxin its own ass to itself
spams its own ass to itself without peurto rican moar again
rape vicitm didn;t sue
out of modesty
rental peurto rican depressed now bout rape not getting sue
gas lighting victim isn;t even peurto rican
>borderline personality cult
>survivoring comorbid ritual fraud arbitrage hard when breast feeding grown adults