>>20483437 lb
>>20483486 lb
>>20483581 lb
>>20483876 lb
Symbolic display in front of Buckingham Palace (the Mall?)
Featuring King's Horse - WHITE which is supposed to mean King is in Palace.
Yet allegedly King is away.
So commentator was confused.
Never saw anything like it
"History in the Making"
Attempts to decode last bread.
See for youself vidrel
"Royal Symbolic Display February 26th 2024"
"History in the Making"
Attempts to decode last bread.
>>20483498 pb
never said "one Jewish family"
Q dint.
>>20482710 pb
>>20482645 pb
>>20482649 pb
>>20482669 pb
>>20483255 pb
>>20483363 pb
>>20483689 pb