>Она … It has begun.
Grass is green, Comrade. Leaves on trees.
1,900-year-old bone — filled with hallucinogenic seeds — is ‘rare’ find. What’s it for?
Read more at: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article285232322.html
Roman-era bone container holds potent, hallucinogenic medicine
Researchers found a cache of black henbane seeds in an outpost far from the empire’s learning centers
From henbane sp, 'Jimsonweed', 'Nightshades', certain plants of the family Solanaceae:
In June 2020, six members of a family were admitted to the poisoning ward of a teaching hospital affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran. About an hour before admission to the hospital, six members of this family developed symptoms of hallucinations, agitation, and disinhibited behavior (playing with imaginary objects, trying to pick imaginary things off the carpets, trying to throw things out of the closed window).
>I just don't like seeing people light themselves on fire in the streets
The technique has been used before:
The car in the background has a museum:
>>far from the empire’s learning centers
>where the stoners hang out
>far from the empire’s learning centers
>where the stoners hang out
Our modern learning centers are the breeding grounds for the maggot-infested ideology eating away at modern society, drugs or not.