Anonymous ID: a8cbbf July 5, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.2048988   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Think about it this way. POTUS advance team places people at rallies. Last one had several Q's in view of the cameras.


Shills are extra shitting up the breads. Makes it difficult for advance team to sanction Q's in view of the cameras for newbies to come check it out.


There is a case to be made for making this board a feeder site for an updating Anon posts page to publicize, like is for Q's posts. We could actually make it easier on POTUS team.


You know, or not. I do think it goes to the shills timing and agenda though.

Anonymous ID: a8cbbf July 5, 2018, 5:34 p.m. No.2049379   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why isn't anyone asking why there are so many migrants? Why isn't he speaking out against the cause of the migration so that people can stay? Because they know something is coming and where and they are trying to get as many people out of there as possible? I don't know, it just doesn't make sense what we're being asked to believe.