Anonymous ID: b53b94 July 5, 2018, 5:26 p.m. No.2049240   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9353 >>9457 >>9542



Mob mentality + shills + young people + lack of self control + many more things.


The cabal has done an awful lot in brainwashing all the masses to behave that way. Most people here consider themselve "woke as fuck", but most surely we are still sleep as fuck.


The mob mentality was still useful to get the word to the MSM and make (((them))) panic, also woke many useful idiots and open minded people, each time we advance the people we have to reach gets more clever and skeptical, and have much more critical thinking, not like some autist here, but surely more like a lot of anons.


A lot of us will have to keep seeing this and pushing anons and "the mob" to more be more reasonable, because we are the calm, or we must be the calm. What we do here is easier than what we'll have to do when shit hits the fan with the rest of the normies. Keep it calm anon, take this frustration and take it to understand how people thinks, if you "cannot understand how a human brain…" would do anything then start reading about psychology, see videos of psychologist. A good one that aligns with Kek, anons and Christianity is Jordan Peterson. Keep your head high.


God bless.