Anonymous ID: f58b9f July 5, 2018, 5:21 p.m. No.2049159   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9210


Scott Pruitt resigns from the EPA a few days after being confronted (Maxine Waters style) in public at a restaurant, by some bitch who told him he should resign.


This upsets me greatly. I don't even care if Pruitt was a black hat or white hate.. it seems like he's caving to the pressure of the Maxine Waters tactic of "confront them in public"… and it gives them a win that puts wind in their sails, telling them that the tactic WORKS, and should be continued… these fascists don't need to have their brownshirt tactics validated!


Another take-away from this is that Trump did not care for Pruitt and wanted him out… otherwise, Trump would have gone to bat for him and defended him against the MSM coverage of that event, and told him "no dude, don't resign NOW, that just validates them!"


Instead, we get him accepting the resignation without so much as a peep or whimper about it…