Since the media has been calling the primaries for Trump so quickly, I think that they will call the general for him very early (just like Biden in 2020). Dems will scream stolen (mirror of 2020) and they will let loose their minions to riot and burn shit down. At that point will be martial law, called by Trump. Just spitballing.
True, but I think between Nov and Jan is when they are going to go batshit and destroy as much as they can. Perhaps even at the inauguration. Martial law to follow shortly after. Anyhoo, just a theory that has occurred to me since these primaries are getting called so quickly. Like 2020 when media called states for Biden way too early. This will be an in your face kinda thing. You did it then, we do it now. And the entitled little fucks will throw their tantrums.
time will tell I suppose