Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 9:46 a.m. No.20489995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0070 >>0269 >>0395 >>0478

Democrat Rep. Goldman Accuses GOP of ‘Working for Russia’ for Calling in Hunter Biden to Testify


Dan Goldman: It is not simply there’s no connection to the president, which we’ve known all along and which was made clear again, but there is a very understandable, coherent business explanation for every single thing that they ask for. And now that all of this China stuff or Romania or Kazakhstan is clearly, clearly baseless and bogus, the only thing that the Republicans have left are these Burisma allegations, which we now know were completely made up by their source, who’s now been indicted because he was working with Russian intelligence to interfere in our election. And so let’s be very clear, because that is the only basis to move forward with an impeachment inquiry. If this impeachment inquiry continues, then chairman Comer and chairman Jordan are working with Russia to interfere in the November 2024 election on behalf of Vladimir Putin, in for the benefit of Donald Trump. That is what this has been reduced to now.

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 9:51 a.m. No.20490021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0070 >>0269 >>0395 >>0478

McLeadership Down! Mitch McConnell Becomes Latest Establishment Figure to Quit.


U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has announced plans to step down from his leadership role within the Republican party. The Kentucky lawmaker, who at 82 is the longest-serving Senate caucus leader in the nation’s history, divulged his plans following the Senate Republicans’ weekly policy lunch at the U.S. Capitol. In an address to the Senate, McConnell stated his intention to forfeit his leadership role within the party as of this November, however, he does not intend to vacate his Senate seat. McConnell, who was reelected for his term in 2021, will maintain his position within the chamber until the end of his term in January 2027, remaining a significant figure in Republican politics.


Earlier this week a Senate colleague told The Hill that McConnell was considering an endorsement for President Donald Trump. While McConnell voted to acquit Trump at his impeachment trial following the January 6 attack on Congress, he later criticized the former president, calling him “practically and morally responsible” for the violence. “He didn’t get away with anything yet,” McConnell asserted. Republicans remain skeptical, with one anonymous senator remarking to The Hill, “I don’t know if his political mind can overcome the personal [issues] enough. If anybody can do it, he can probably do it.”

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 9:55 a.m. No.20490037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stew Peters Banned From Instagram After Exposing Alleged Pedophile




The Instagram account belonging to nationally syndicated TV news host Stew Peters has been booted from the Meta-owned platform for violating the “community guidelines” – apparently by revealing too much truth and hard-hitting news. The banning of Peters’ account comes almost immediately after he slammed a homosexual “dad” of four children and alleged pedophile, who posted a video online about buying sex toys for his kids.

Stew Peters’ Instagram account was hovering around 30,000 followers before it was locked and then permanently banned as Big Tech’s war on the free press continues. The ban came after Peters’ account had an explosion in followers and as he used Instagram to publish hard-hitting news clips originating on the Stew Peters Show – taking on not just the pedophile lobby, but the zionist war lobby and anyone else subverting America, and Christendom as a whole.


His new account, @StewPetersOfficial, is online now and he’s posted a video asking his followers to follow and share the new page, which is the only official account on Instagram belonging to Stew Peters.


In that video, Peters explained that he “was banned [from Instagram] because I took on what appears to be a pedophile, who then told me ‘Yep, we’re going to send the gay mafia after you and get you banned’.”


“Less than 24 hours later,” Peters added, “Boom, the account is gone because they just mass-reported it.”


The Instagram ban is just the latest attack on the Stew Peters Show and the Stew Peters Network from Big Tech censors, who are increasingly working at the behest of left-wing internet mobs who mass report prominent accounts in an effort to get them banned.


As could be expected when dealing with the likes of Big Tech, Jose Rolon, the “NYC Gay Dad” who posted a TikTok video about buying c*ck rings for his children at a drag convention, is still online, even after he appeared to threaten Peters in an Instagram post before mobilizing the gay mafia to get his account banned.


“You got the wrong guy @stewpeters,” Rolon wrote in his post, which included the Stew Peters Show segment in which Peters tore into homosexual groomers who are obsessed with exposing children to their lifestyle, specifically mentioning Rolon and his c*ck ring video.

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 10:02 a.m. No.20490066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0269 >>0395 >>0478

Hunter Biden Claims Dad’s Business Involvement Is ‘MAGA-Motivated Conspiracy’ Despite Evidence


Hunter Biden claimed Wednesday that his father’s involvement in the Biden business is merely a “MAGA-motivated conspiracy” despite mountains of evidence.


The evidence includes but is not limited to photos, texts, an audio recording, and IRS and former business partner whistleblower testimonies:


The House investigation previously found a massive web of wire transfers, 20 shell companies, and associates who helped the Biden business rake in at least $24 million from foreign nationals over the course of approximately five years.


More evidence against President Joe Biden can be found here and here.


Hunter used careful language during an opening statement on Wednesday before the House impeachment inquiry to claim he did not involve Joe Biden, 81, in his business.


Hunter notably did not say Joe Biden was not involved in the business. “I did not involve my father in my business,” he claimed.


“For more than a year, your Committees have hunted me in your partisan political pursuit of my dad. You have trafficked in innuendo, distortion, and sensationalism — all the while ignoring the clear and convincing evidence staring you in the face,” Hunter said. “You do not have evidence to support the baseless and MAGA-motivated conspiracies about my father because there isn’t any.”


Hunter continued to assert he is a victim and that the impeachment inquiry misrepresents his business activities:


Over the last year, Republicans have taken my communications out of context, relied on documents that have been altered, and cherry-picked snippets of financial or other records to misrepresent what really happened. Examples of this include a few references to my family in emails or texts that I sent when I was in the darkest days of my addiction. If you try to do that again today, my answers will reveal your tactics and demonstrate the truth that my father was never involved in any of my businesses.


My testimony today should put an end to this baseless and destructive political charade. You have wasted valuable time and resources attacking me and my family for your own political gain when you should be fixing the real problems in this country that desperately need your attention.


House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) told reporters before Hunter’s deposition that, according to the evidence, Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business. Hunter is a material witness in the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.


“President Biden has repeatedly lied to the American people that he never interacted with his son’s associates,” he said. “But when Joe Biden was vice president, he spoke to…his son’s associates by speakerphone over 20 times.”


“The Bidens received a $3 million payment as a ‘thank you’ for work completed when Joe Biden was vice president shortly after Joe Biden left office,” Comer stated.

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 10:08 a.m. No.20490095   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0098 >>0119 >>0269 >>0395 >>0478

Schumer claims he's "so, so shaken" by what he's seen at the Ukrainian border, then attacks Speaker Johnson for wanting to protect OUR border before sending more money to Ukraine

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 10:14 a.m. No.20490126   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0410 >>0523

The big recyclable plastic lie EXPOSED: Major plastic producers have known for decades that recycling products was neither economically or practically possible


Companies pushed recycling as an alternative option to banning plastic

90 percent of plastic can't be recycled or can only be reused once


Big Oil companies and plastic producers have known for more than 30 years that recycling is not a permanent solution, a new report has claimed.


The left-leaning Center for Climate Integrity (CCI) found that companies including Exxon Chemical, and the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) have misled the public about recycling to avoid regulatory action and revenue losses.


The report claimed that the plastic industry has been aware that certain plastics are impossible to repurpose, but are mixed in with those that can, making sorting difficult and expensive.

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 10:19 a.m. No.20490152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0312

Report: Hezbollah Would Halt Fire on Israel If Ceasefire Reached in Gaza


Israel is sending the opposite message, threatening strikes on Lebanon would escalate if there was a ceasefire in Gaza


Hezbollah would halt fire on Israel if Hamas agrees to a hostage deal that includes a ceasefire unless Israel continues to bomb southern Lebanon, Reuters reported on Tuesday.


During the previous hostage deal that resulted in a seven-day truce in Gaza, there was calm across the Lebanon-Israel border. But in recent months, the situation has been escalating, and Israel has been hitting targets deeper inside Lebanon.


“The moment Hamas announces its approval of the truce, and the moment the truce is declared, Hezbollah will adhere to the truce and will stop operations in the south immediately, as happened the previous time,” a source close to Hezbollah told Reuters.


Israel has sent the opposite message, with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant threatening an escalation of strikes if a hostage deal is reached.


“In the event of a temporary truce in Gaza – we will increase the fire in the north independently, and will continue until the full withdrawal of Hezbollah and the return of the residents to their homes,” Gallant said over the weekend.


France has been trying to mediate a deal between Hezbollah and Israel and submitted a written proposal that would involve Hezbollah withdrawing six miles from the Israeli border. But Hezbollah has said it would only enter talks once there was a ceasefire in Gaza.


According to AFP, Israeli strikes on Lebanon have killed 284 people, including 44 civilians. The Israeli military has said Hezbollah’s attacks have killed 10 Israeli soldiers and six civilians.

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 10:20 a.m. No.20490156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0175 >>0205

==Gallant calls for drafting ultra-Orthodox in order to achieve Gaza war aims=


2 soldiers killed in Gaza, ground op toll rises to 242 * Lion, Huldai hold onto Jerusalem, Tel Aviv in municipal elections * Hostages’ families begin march from Gaza border to Jerusalem


Gallant calls for drafting ultra-Orthodox in order to achieve Gaza war aims

2 soldiers killed in Gaza, ground op toll rises to 242 * Lion, Huldai hold onto Jerusalem, Tel Aviv in municipal elections * Hostages’ families begin march from Gaza border to Jerusalem

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 10:26 a.m. No.20490171   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly clashed with US President Joe Biden Tuesday night over his claims that Israel was losing world support due to his “conservative” government’s Gaza policies and its National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.


“Since the start of the war, I have been leading a diplomatic campaign to block pressure designed to end the war prematurely, and to secure strong support for Israel,” Netanyahu said in a short video message he issued last night.


He pointed to concrete data to make his point, noting that the monthly Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll showed that 82% of Americans surveyed back Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza.

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 10:31 a.m. No.20490191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0200 >>0206 >>0219 >>0297 >>0333 >>0345

ChatGPT goes absolutely nuts for hours and no one can explain why


Users experienced a peculiar malfunction when the chatbot started displaying erratic behavior and generating responses ranging from nonsensical to downright Shakespearean.


"Has ChatGPT gone temporarily insane? I was talking to it about Groq, and it started doing Shakespearean-style rants," one user asked on the ChatGPT subreddit.


"It’s lost its mind," another user wrote. "I asked it for a concise, one-sentence summary of a paragraph and it gave me a [Victorian]-era epic to rival Beowulf, with nigh incomprehensible purple prose. It’s like someone just threw a thesaurus at it and said, 'Use every word in this book.'"


In one instance, ChatGPT told one user: "Let's keep the line as if AI is in the room." The user who initiated the conversation about coding shared the response on Reddit, and commented: "Reading this at 2 a.m. is scary."


Meanwhile, ChatGPT users on X also expressed their frustration.


"ChatGPT just broke. Constantly getting garbage in my responses. Starts off okay, but then it gets drunk." Another user shared an odd encounter, stating that when they asked the chatbot for recommendations on a Bill Evans Trio vinyl, it responded with a loop of "Happy listening!" – an unexpected and unrelated answer.


The glitch manifested differently. Most users experienced non-sequiturs, incorrect answers and repetitive phrases throughout the night. Some users wondered if the language model had temporarily collapsed, while others jokingly speculated about the chatbot achieving sentience.


Gemini and Gab AI also go off the rails

ChatGPT wasn't the only AI chatbot to go "off the rails" during this time. Gab AI and Google's Gemini AI were also reportedly experiencing malfunctions.


According to several reports, when Gemini users asked the chatbot to generate images, it refused to place white people in them. Instead, it transformed historically white figures into multiracial characters. The controversy, which happened just two weeks after the launch of Gemini, led to widespread outrage. This, in turn, prompted Google to issue an apology and temporarily stop the people-creating feature of its AI image generator to rectify the issue.


Meanwhile, the conservative-leaning social media platform Gab introduced AI chatbot versions of Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden, both of which denied the existence of the Holocaust. The technology behind Gab's chatbots remains unclear, but CEO Andrew Torba claimed their user base is growing by 20,000 people a day. Gab AI, along with Grok, is an alternative to "woke" AI chatbots like Gemini and ChatGPT.


These incidents have not spared any political affiliations, with both conservatives and liberals expressing dissatisfaction with the AI chatbots. OpenAI, which is widely embraced as an AI tool for businesses, showcased the unreliability of its product, leading to renewed concerns about the rapid pace of AI development.


In response, OpenAI co-founder John Schulman had no choice but to acknowledge the nascent stage of alignment technology.


"Alignment – controlling a model’s behavior and values – is still a pretty young discipline. That said, these public outcries [are] important for spurring us to solve these problems and develop better alignment tech," he tweeted.

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 10:41 a.m. No.20490227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0234 >>0264 >>0269 >>0395 >>0478

Jeff Bezos, Jamie Dimon, and Mark Zuckerberg have sold stock worth about $9 billion. They might think markets can't go much higher.


Jeff Bezos, Jamie Dimon, and Mark Zuckerberg have all been selling shares in their companies.

The Amazon founder and JPMorgan and Meta CEOs risk sending a worrying message to markets.

Executives sell shares for plenty of reasons, from tax and estate planning to personal expenses.


JPMorgan CEO’s stock trades: Impeccable timing or insider trading?


For example, Jeff Bezos recently divested $8.5 billion of Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) shares, and Mark Zuckerberg sold $500 million of Meta (NASDAQ: META) shares.


CEO Bob Iger Slashes Disney Stake by 80%

Anonymous ID: f33f0e Feb. 28, 2024, 10:56 a.m. No.20490300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0322 >>0395 >>0478

Shielding US Public from Israeli Reports of “Friendly Fire” on October 7


The Israeli press has uncovered damning evidence showing that an untold number of the Israeli victims during the October 7 Hamas attack were in fact killed by the IDF response.


Since October, the Israeli press has uncovered damning evidence showing that an untold number of the Israeli victims during the October 7 Hamas attack were in fact killed by the IDF response.


While it is indisputable that the Hamas-led attackers were responsible for many Israeli civilian deaths that day, reports from Israel indicate that the IDF in multiple cases fired on and killed Israeli civilians.


It’s an important issue that demands greater transparency—both in terms of the questions it raises about IDF policy, and in terms of the black-and-white narrative Israel has advanced about what happened on October 7, used to justify its ongoing assault on the Gaza Strip.


Indeed, IDF responsibility for Israeli deaths has been a repeated topic of discussion in the Israeli press, accompanied by demands for investigations. But the most US readers have gotten from their own press about the issue is a dismissive piece from the Washington Post about October 7 “truthers.”


Implementing the Hannibal Directive?

Image: Israel’s Haaretz (12/13/23) is willing to raise questions that seem to be taboo in the US press.