Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 9:11 a.m. No.20489838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9845 >>0070 >>0269 >>0272 >>0313 >>0395 >>0478

28 Feb, 2024 16:26

Kremlin responds to Orban’s border fears

Russia doesn’t threaten non-hostile countries, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said


Moscow has dismissed as “groundless” some concerns voiced by the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban about once-again sharing a border with Russia. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday that Russia poses no threat to any state that is not hostile.


On Tuesday Orban mentioned “bad memories”from the Soviet era after he’d had a meeting with leaders of Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic in Prague. Commenting on the Ukraine conflict, he said Hungary’s top national-security concern was to “not share a border with Russia.”


Asked at Wednesday’s press briefing to comment on Orban’s words, Peskov said that “contrary to what is now being repeatedly claimed with enviable consistency in the EU, Russia does not pose any danger to any country that is not hostile to Russia, or trying to become an anti-Russia, so [Orban’s] fears in this regard are groundless.”


Earlier this week, the Hungarian parliament voted to ratify Sweden’s application to join NATO. Budapest had held up Stockholm’s request for almost two years, citing the fellow EU member’s criticism of Orban’s domestic policies. It dropped its opposition after a deal to buy four more Swedish Saab Gripen fighter jets.


Orban made the border comment in the course of explaining Budapest’s policy towards Kiev, which has not been in lockstep with the rest of the EU and NATO. Hungary has provided Ukraine with humanitarian aid but refused to send any weapons, to allow others to ship military supplies through its territory, or to train any Ukrainian troops – despite strong pressure from both Washington and Brussels.


The Hungarian prime minister this week also repeated his long-standing position that the Ukraine conflict can only end through negotiations, which should start as soon as possible in order to save lives.


Both Russian President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov have repeatedly voiced Moscow’s readiness to settle the Ukraine conflict through negotiations. Russia has blamed Ukraine and its backers in the West for refusing meaningful dialogue, however, leaving Moscow no choice but to continue pursuing its goals on the battlefield.


(Is Orban being blackmailed again by the EU?This sounds out of character for him. I think the picture RT chose says it all.)

Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 9:13 a.m. No.20489846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9859 >>0070 >>0269 >>0395 >>0478

Ex-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger: Germany Has Made a 'Grave Mistake' with Immigration. 1/2

By Laura Wellington October 13, 2023

Four years ago, while I was visiting my relatives in Munich, Germany, I was floored by the make-up of the inhabitants occupying the city. The majority didn’t seem German.


They seemed Muslim. The women were wearing hijabs, burquas, chadors. They moved in units with the Muslim men swarming around them and their children. None spoke German. They spoke a language that sounded Arabic.


During my time observing over several days, I never once saw Muslim men or women engage with German friends or families. No socializing occurred between them. There seemed to be an invisible wall erected between them.


This disturbed me, because that wall was made up of hostility and separateness between the two that couldn’t go unnoticed. I wondered how this had happened and who was at fault for the lack of cohesion between the Muslims and Germans.


What disturbed me further was that I hadn’t realized just how large the Muslim population had grown in Munich.It seemed that for every two German children walking with their parents, there were six or more Muslim kids doing the same.


I wondered how my German relatives felt about all of this. Their response wasn’t flattering when I asked. They blamed the Muslim population for their homeland’s current woes.


Mass immigration was plaguing the social security system and straining the economy in Germany.Entitlements given to Muslim families who chose not to assimilate were leaving little left for German families. All their hard work was now being used to care for Muslims who decided to show up and stay, leaving Germans to ask the government, “What about us?”


The German way of life was also being destroyed. Germans were resentful.


They blamed cheap labor and political guilt for the open-door policy instilled in their country. Now feeling very overrun by the number of Muslims living alongside them, the Germans felt displaced in their own country.


Do you agree with Kissinger? Sound familiar?

It is no different in the United States today. Not shutting down our open southern border was a huge mistake. The consequences have been and will continue to be dramatic.


Uncontrolled immigration is an error recently voiced by one of the most prominent names of the 20th century: former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.


In an interview this week with Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner for Germany’s Welt TV, Kissinger described the alarming consequences suffered by countries that rolled out the welcome mat to a wide population of immigrants from varying countries.


The architect of foreign policy during the Vietnam War, Kissinger shared his criticism of immigration as he watched Arabs in Germany applaud Hamas’ brutal terrorist attacks on Israel over the weekend.


A German-born Jew whose family fled the Nazis and moved to the United States, Kissinger found the endorsement of Hamas in the streets of Berlin to be revolting.


“I do not have a grievance against the German people,” he told Döpfner. “I find celebrations about what happened — which technically was a sort of criminal act — as painful.”


“It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that,” Kissinger said.

Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 9:16 a.m. No.20489859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9892 >>0070 >>0269 >>0395 >>0478




The concept of a cohesive “melting pot” sounds great in theory. The application, however, isn’t proving itself to be successful anywhere today over the long term. I don’t know of any country that is doing it well.


In the beginning, when populations were smaller and the culture ratio was much more agreeable, immigration might have seemed feasible and even advantageous. But the realities and even mishandling of the process resulted in an impossible situation between communities that were adopted into host countries and never stopped coming.


Population explosion andgovernments making it easy for immigrants “not to assimilate” changed the dynamic of each pro-immigration country altogether.


In the case of the United States, what went from controlled immigration in the beginning is no longer so. The privilege to enter our country has transitioned into “demand” or “forced entry.”


To that same end, the leniency “not to assimilate” became the expectation. Thus, Kissinger has a point.


Illegal immigrants have now turned the tables on the process, consistency and face of the United States. They now call the shots. Our insidious government is forcing us, the citizens, to bend to their will.


With the population overwhelmed and reflecting the same complaints of the German people, a national power struggle and total resentment are growing between nationals and legal immigrants.


The issue now, as explained by Kissinger, is thatyou can’t separate paint once it is mixed together. The United States is now a nation of many different cultures that exist as factions, with one, in particular, escalating in numbers to the degree that is causing strife as well as driving anger and fear.


Our melting pot is no longer blending well. In fact,it is inviting enormous danger within our shores.


We now live in a tribalistic, politically polarized national climate, a place where no one feels safe, the economy is collapsing, demographics are changing and emotions run high.


What we are witnessing is the reason Poland shut the door on immigrants without security clearances in 2015. A member of the European Parliament from Poland spoke about the issue in a riveting interview with Tucker Carlson this week. (The discussion begins around the 13:21 mark.)


The conversation shows how right Kissinger is.


It seems logical to cap immigration at the point it begins to destroy the health, welfare and morale of the host country.


Leadership isn’t being effective if it refuses to acknowledge reality.In the case of the United States, Germany and other pro-immigration countries, it is time to lock the door and take stock.


By not doing so and merely telling citizens to “suck it up” and “get along” while allowing further uncontrolled immigration, the Biden administration and Democrats have become the people’s enemy.


They are inducing a state of emergency and guaranteeing a total breakdown of our society.

Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 9:29 a.m. No.20489915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9936 >>0070 >>0269 >>0395 >>0478

DeSantis Fires Shots at Everyone Who Mocked Him for Disney Battle After Company's Lawsuit Gets Dismissed

Douglas Golden February 28, 2024

After taking his punches both on the presidential campaign trail and from the establishment media, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has — finally — reason to do a victory lap, something he never got on his bid for the White House.

And, befitting the popular Florida governor, he did it in bellicose style, with a video short to boot.

On Jan. 31, as The Wall Street Journal reported, a federal judge tossed a lawsuit The Walt Disney Co. filed against the state of Florida after Florida Republicans, led by DeSantis, revoked Disney’s control over a special tax district where Disney World is located.

The state’s taking control of the district and renaming it from the Reedy Creek Improvement District to the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, Disney alleged in its lawsuit, was improper retaliation for the company’s vocal and visible opposition to a law banning instruction in gender ideology and sexual orientation for students up to the third grade — a law opponents dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, even though it, not unsurprisingly, didn’t say that. (Or even the word “gay,” for that matter.)

Disney alleged that this move violated the company’s First Amendment rights, while the Journal noted that “DeSantis and Republican lawmakers said their actions were aimed at reining in excessive privileges that Disney had secured over decades.”

In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor said that not only did Disney lack standing to sue, its suit also failed on the merits.

“Because Disney seeks injunctive relief, it must allege an imminent future injury … and it has not alleged facts showing that any imminent future appointments will contribute to its harm,” the judge wrote in his 17-page ruling.

“The analysis could be different if the Governor had not yet made any appointments. But as things stand, if this court enjoined future appointments, Disney would face the same situation it faces now: it would be operating under the [Central Florida Tourism Oversight District] board, over which it has no control. Stopping hypothetical future appointments would not redress any alleged imminent harm.”

Furthermore, the judge noted, “Disney has not alleged any specific actions the new board took (or will take) because of the Governor’s alleged control.In fact, Disney has not alleged any specific injury from any board action. Its alleged injury, as discussed above, is it’s operating under a board it cannot control.

“That injury would exist whether or not the Governor controlled the board, meaning an injunction precluding the Governor from influencing the board would not redress Disney’s asserted injury.”

Point being,there is no constitutional right to special privileges granted to a corporation by a state government(that’s why they’re called “privileges”). And judicial precedent discourages courts from imputing a certain mindset to lawmakers if the law is otherwise constitutional. The government giveth, the government taketh away, after all. And, while Disney appealed the ruling — quelle surprise — that still remains a difficult hurdle to clear.

“This is an important case with serious implications for the rule of law, and it will not end here,” a Disney spokesman said after the suit was dismissed. “If left unchallenged, this would set a dangerous precedent and give license to states to weaponize their official powers to punish the expression of political viewpoints they disagree with. We are determined to press forward with our case.”

However, DeSantis press secretary Jeremy Redfern summed it up neatly: “The federal court’s decision made it clear that Gov. DeSantis was correct:Disney is still just one of many corporations in the state, and they do not have a right to their own special government,” he said in a statement.

DeSantis was even more blunt in a social media post, albeit just a bit belatedly.

“One year ago, I signed legislation ending what an independent audit found to be one of the worst examples of cronyism in modern U.S. history: Reedy Creek, a local government controlled by a single company; Disney,” he wrote on his X account Tuesday.

“While so many claimed ending the cronyism would be bad for Florida, the result has been transparency and accountability, including a reduction of taxes and local businesses being allowed to compete for projects, saving the district millions of dollars.

“The federal lawsuit filed by Disney has been dismissed and the new state board continues to initiate positive reforms,” he added, followed by a video:..

Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 9:32 a.m. No.20489936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9952


The sheer arrogance of Disney is destroying their brand and company. They are losing at the box office and parents don’t want their children seeing their movies.


Now its time to investigate against all the crimes against children and others on their properties WW

Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 9:36 a.m. No.20489952   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If DiSantis wants to get a modicum of his reputation back he should lead the charge on investigating the crimes against children at Disney and stop their own internal police force, and put in State and City police force

Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 9:55 a.m. No.20490033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0042 >>0049 >>0070 >>0073 >>0119 >>0269 >>0395 >>0478

Breaking: Mitch McConnell Stepping Down

Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in history who maintained his power in the face of dramatic convulsions in the Republican Party for almost two decades, will step down from


The Associated Press

February 28, 2024 at 10:20am

Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in history who maintained his power in the face of dramatic convulsions in the Republican Party for almost two decades, will step down from that position in November.

McConnell, who turned 82 last week, was set to announce his decision Wednesday in the well of the Senate, a place where he looked in awe from its back benches in 1985 when he arrived and where he grew increasingly comfortable in the front row seat afforded the party leaders.

“One of life’s most underappreciated talents is to know when it’s time to move on to life’s next chapter,” he said in prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press. “So I stand before you today … to say that this will be my last term as Republican leader of the Senate.”

His decision punctuates a powerful ideological transition underway in the Republican Party, from Ronald Reagan’s brand of traditional conservatism and strong international alliances, to the fiery, often isolationist populism of former President Donald Trump.

McConnell said he plans to serve out his Senate term, which ends in January 2027, “albeit from a different seat in the chamber.” Aides said McConnell’s announcement about the leadership post was unrelated to his health. The Kentucky senator had a concussion from a fall last year and two public episodes where his face briefly froze while he was speaking.

“As I have been thinking about when I would deliver some news to the Senate, I always imagined a moment when I had total clarity and peace about the sunset of my work,” McConnell said in his prepared remarks. “A moment when I am certain I have helped preserve the ideals I so strongly believe. It arrived today.”

The senator had been under increasing pressure from the restive, and at times hostile wing of his party that has aligned firmly with Trump. The two have been estranged since December 2020, when McConnell refused to abide Trump’s lie that the election of Democrat Joe Biden as president was the product of fraud.

But while McConnell’s critics within the GOP conference had grown louder, their numbers had not grown appreciably larger, a marker of McConnell’s strategic and tactical skill and his ability to understand the needs of his fellow Republican senators.

McConnell gave no specific reason for the timing of his decision, which he has been contemplating for months, but he cited the recent death of his wife’s youngest sister as a moment that prompted introspection. “The end of my contributions are closer than I’d prefer,” McConnell said.

But his remarks were also light at times as he talked about the arc of his Senate career.


He noted that when he arrived in the Senate, “I was just happy if anybody remembered my name.” During his campaign in 1984, when Reagan was visiting Kentucky, the president called him “Mitch O’Donnell.”


McConnell endorsed Reagan’s view of America’s role in the world and the senator has persisted in face of opposition, including from Trump, that Congress should include a foreign assistance package that includes $60 billion for Ukraine.


“I am unconflicted about the good within our country and the irreplaceable role we play as the leader of the free world,” McConnell said.


Against long odds he managed to secure 22 Republican votes for the package now being considered by the House.


“Believe me, I know the politics within my party at this particular moment in time. I have many faults. Misunderstanding politics is not one of them,” McConnell said. “That said, I believe more strongly than ever that America’s global leadership is essential to preserving the shining city on a hill that Ronald Reagan discussed. For as long as I am drawing breath on this earth I will defend American exceptionalism.”

Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 10:07 a.m. No.20490088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0269 >>0395 >>0478

Key Fani Willis Witness Tries to Walk Back Previous Comments, Says He 'Could Have' Been Telling 'Lies' About FriendsBizarro world of Fani…

George C. Upper III February 28, 2024

An important witness in the hearings to determine whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis should be disqualified from prosecuting the case against former President Donald Trump said under oath Tuesday that he “could have” lied about his friend and client, special prosecutor Nathan Wade, in text messages with one of the attorneys representing a co-defendant in the case.


Terrence Bradley, Wade’s former law firm partner who also served briefly as his divorce attorney, was forced to return to the witness stand Tuesday after the judge overseeing the case ruled that his previous claims of attorney-client privilege were invalid.


Judge Scott McAfee met with Bradley behind closed doors after he began to suspect during Bradley’s prior testimonythat material the witness claimed as privileged might not actually be covered by attorney-client privilege.


McAfee said that Bradley’s testimony had caused him to be “left wondering if Mr. Bradley has been properly interpreting privilege this entire time,” as The Western Journal reported on Feb. 17. The result of the judge’s meeting with Bradley on Monday was thatthe witness would have to return to the stand and testify on some points that he had refused to discussunder prior questioning.


He was confronted by the defense team with a transcript of statements he had made to attorney Ashleigh Merchant, who is representing GOP political operative Michael Roman, one of Trump’s co-defendants in the election interference case.


Merchant asked Bradley in those messages whether he believed the romantic relationship-between Wade and Willis, which both have claimed didn’t begin until 2022,had actually begun before Willis hired Wade in November of 2021.


“Absolutely,”Bradley replied, according to Fox News.


According to CNN, however, Bradley testified Tuesday that he didn’t actually know when the relationship started, and that his response to Merchant had been “speculation.”


“I do not have knowledge of it starting, or when it started,” he said, according to the outlet.


“I was speculating, I didn’t have a — no one told me,” he further claimed. “I was speculating.”


Richard Rice, an attorney representing another co-defendant in the case, asked Bradley if he regularly shared “lies about your friends” with others, according to Fox.


“Do you tell lies about your friends? About a case of national importance?” Rice asked.


“I could have had, I don’t know,”Bradley responded.


Bradley remained on the stand for about two hours Tuesday, according to Fox, claiming during that time thathe couldn’t recall the answers to “more than two dozen” questionsand that he and Wade had spoken about the relationship only once.


Robin Yeartie, a former employee in the DA’s office with Willis, had previously testified that she had “no doubt” that the romance between the two began in 2019, well before Willis hired Wade as special prosecutor in the case.


Yeartie, whom Fox described as previously having been a “good friend” of Willis, said she had seen the two acting affectionately well before Wade’s November 2021 hiring.


“She testified to observing Willis and Wade ‘hugging’ and ‘kissing’ and showing ‘affection’ prior to November 2021 and that she had no doubt that the two were in a ‘romantic’ relationship starting in 2019 and lasting until she and Willis last spoke in 2022,” Fox reported.


(All of them are constantly lying, as attorneys don’t they have a problem with lying?)



Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 10:28 a.m. No.20490178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0269 >>0395 >>0478

>>20489806 Nathan Wade’s ex-divorce lawyer blurts out, ‘Oh dang’ as he’s presented with damning texts in Fani Willis trial (PN)


Nathan Wade’s ex-divorce lawyer blurts out, ‘Oh dang’ as he’s presented with damning texts in Fani Willis trial


Melissa Koenig Feb. 28, 2024, 8:05 a.m

Nathan Wade’s former divorce attorney and law partner was heard muttering, “Oh dang” to himself when presented with potentially damning evidence about his ex-client’s relationship timeline as he took the stand in Fulton County, Ga., District Attorney Fani Willis’ corruption trial Tuesday.


The witness, Terrence Bradley, was presented with a series of text messages he sent to a defense attorneyin which he was asked if he believed the couple’s relationship began before Willis appointed Wade to lead the state’s investigation of former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in November 2021, according to Business Insider.


“Absolutely,” Bradley responded in the message to defense attorney Ashleigh Merchant, according to phone records read in court.


Bradley had previously denied knowing about the relationship until he was presented with the texts.


“It started when she left the DA’s office and was a judge in South Fulton. They met at the municipal court CLE conference.”


As Merchant read over these messages from the stand, Bradley could be heard whispering, “Oh dang” to himself, a clip of the trial posted online shows.


But when questioned about the timeline of Willis and Wade’s relationship, Bradley claimed he “speculated on some things” in the text exchange and did not have direct knowledge of what actually occurred, the outlet reported.


His response puzzled the defense lawyers.


“Why in the heck would you ‘speculate’?” Trump lawyer Steve Sadow shot back, Business Insider reported.


“I have no answer for that,” Bradley testified.


He also claimed he does not remember why he texted Merchant that he “felt it started at the time,” the outlet reported.


“I do not have knowledge of it starting or when it started,” Bradley said, according to the Washington Post.


“I never witnessed anything, so you know, it was speculation.”


Bradley admitted he discussed the relationship once with Wade in their law office, but does not recall exactly when that happened.


He also acknowledged that when Merchant sent him a draft of her motion, the only error he said he found was related to a payment, the outlet reported.

The motion, however, alleged that Willis and Wade’s relationship began when Wade was still married and years before Willis appointed him to oversee the election fraud investigation, according to Business Insider.


Willis and Wade have told the court their relationship first became romantic in 2022 and have stuck by that story through their testimony, but lawyers for Trump and co-defendant Mike Roman have insisted they can prove otherwise.


They billed Bradley as a star witness in the trial.


He has previously conceded he stepped down from the law firm where he worked together with Wade following sexual assault allegations from a staffer.


Trump and his co-defendants are looking to disqualify Willis from the case and to have all charges, centered around the state’s expansive racketeering RICO law, dismissed.


The defendants have argued Willis and Wade compromised the integrity of the case as the district attorney financially benefited from Wade’s appointment.


Merchant has pointed to records that show Wade spending money on luxury travel for himself and Willis, bought with money earned from Fulton County’s coffers.


So far, the defense has also presented dozens of pings from Wade’s cellphone that place it at Willis’ rented condo in the early hours prior to 2022. A former friend of the district attorney, who owned the condo, has also testified she saw the two “hugging” and “kissing” in 2019.


Fulton County DA Ana Cross, however, suggested the ex-pal, Robin Yeartie, may have had an ax to grind after she resigned from her position as Willis’ media rep in 2021, with Yeartie herself testifying that she would have been fired if she hadn’t stepped down.


Closing arguments are set for Friday.


(These idiots are doing a disservice to every black attorney in Georgia.)

Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 10:38 a.m. No.20490216   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(The Coward) Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp says Fani Willis case against Trump ‘even more political’ after affair revelationFeb 28, 2024

Ryan King

Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp dinged Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis late Tuesday as the scandal over her affair with her lead investigator threatens to sink the sprawling racketeering case against former President Donald Trump and his allies.


“I gotta be careful about what I say here, because I was subpoenaed by Fani Willis in the special grand jury,”Kemp told NewsNation in an interview. (He’s admitting he lied in the grand jury)


“But it’s hard to believe,”Kemp added, “that a process that I think many people — including myself — believe is very political, regardless of the merits behind the case,has gotten even more political now because of her actions and those of Mr. [Nathan] Wade and others.”


Kemp, who has drawn the ire of the 45th president for repeatedly insisting that the Peach State’s 2020 election results were on the up and up, spoke out after testimony by Wade’s former divorce attorney and law partner at a hearing to determine whether Willis should be disqualified from prosecuting the Trump case.


During his time on the stand, Terrence Bradley was confronted with text messages he sent an attorney for a Trump co-defendant. In the exchange, Bradley was asked whether he believed the couple’s relationship began before Willis appointed Wade to lead the state’s investigation of Trump in November 2021, according to Business Insider.


“Absolutely,” Bradley responded, having previously denied knowing about the relationship. As defense attorney Ashleigh Merchant read out the messages, Bradley appeared to mutter “Oh, dang” under his breath.


When questioned about the timeline of Willis and Wade’s relationship, however, Bradley claimed he “speculated on some things” in the text exchange with Merchant and did not have direct knowledge of what actually occurred. Wade separated from his wife, Joycelyn, in August 2021 and filed for divorce that November, one day before he was hired by Willis to lead the Trump probe.


Both Willis and Wade have testified that they didn’t begin dating each other until around spring 2022 and that their romance ended last summer.


Earlier this month, however, a friend of Willis testified that she saw the district attorney and Wade “hugging” and “kissing” back in 2019.


Trump, 77, faces 13 charges in the Georgia case, including violating the state’s anti-racketeering law. He has denied wrongdoing and pleaded not guilty to all charges. (Anti Trump journalist they always post his age. Devine never posts his age)


The Willis investigation stemmed from a Jan. 2, 2021, phone call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which Trump told him to “find” the 11,780 votes necessary to reverse his loss to former Vice President Joe Biden in the state.


Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee has set a Friday hearing to determine whether Willis and her staff will be disqualified from prosecuting Trump and 14 co-defendants.


“I’m very confident Judge McAfee will make a good decision,” Kemp said Tuesday, “and then we can go from there.”

Anonymous ID: fdb1fa Feb. 28, 2024, 10:47 a.m. No.20490261   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Alabama judge’s convict son charged with his attempted murder for allegedly stabbing and shooting him in faceforYaron Steinbuch Feb. 28, 2024


The convict son of shot Alabama Judge Johnny Hardwick has been charged with his attempted murder — accused of repeatedly stabbing and shooting him in the face.


Khalfani Hardwick, 36, made his first court appearance Tuesday after allegedly shooting his father, presiding judge of Montgomery County’s 15th Judicial Circuit, inside his Montgomery home Saturday.


The son was initially charged with first-degree domestic violence and possessing a firearm when forbidden to do so — but on Tuesday prosecutors announced there was enough evidence for the upgraded attempted murder charge, WSFA reported.


Hardwick allegedly ​stabbed his dad multiple times in the face — and then also shot him in the face, before fleeing, reported, citing court records released Monday.The elder Hardwick current condition was not immediately available.


Khalfani was having trouble finding an attorney and all the circuit judges recused themselves due to his father’s ties to the court system, according to WSFA.


But a judge with the 19th Judicial Circuit took over the case and granted him an attorney from that circuit, the outlet reported.Montgomery County DA Daryl Bailey said he had no reason not to prosecute the case.


“We’re going to handle this case like we would any other case, especially, a case of this type of violent nature. We’re going to pursue it and do what we normally do,” he told WSFA.


Police found Khalfani’s abandoned vehicle on Trotman Road and located him a short time later on US 231, where he was taken into custody, according to 2017, he pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of second-degree assault in a 2014 shootingfor which he was initially charged with attempted murder.


Khalfani shot a man in the back of the head and “left him for dead,”according to court documents cited by


He received a three-year suspended sentence with three years of probation and petitioned for an early release after 19 months, according to the outlet.


The suspect graduated from Alabama State University with a degree in accounting while on probation and was offered a job – but he could not attend a CPA certification class while on probation, reported.“He has accepted his punishment for his actions an embraced the opportunity to better himself,’” according to the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles, the outlet said.


The state Attorney General’s Office opposed Khalfani’s request, noting that the parole board requires all violent probationers to serve at least 24 months before consideration of early termination.


“The defendant entered a guilty plea to assault in the second degree for shooting the victim in the back of the head and leaving him for dead, which is absolutely a crime of violence,’’ the AG’s office said, reported.


A circuit judge reportedly granted the early release on Nov. 5, 2019. Judge Hardwick, who has served on the 15th Judicial Circuit since 2001, was named the president of the Alabama Association of Circuit Court Judges last August.


The 1973 graduate of Alabama State University helped spearhead the 50-year reunion of his college graduating class, which made a more than $250,000 donation to their alma mater, reported. His son is being held in jail with a bond set at $15,000.


(Don’t even drive through Alabama, they sound retarded)