A burnt sacrifice.
The word Holocaust is derived from the Greek holokauston, a translation of the Hebrew word ʿolah, meaning a burnt sacrifice offered whole to God.
How many lives were sacrificed for the sake of Zionism?
60% of the world is Asian
30% of the world is Negroid
10% of the world is Caucasian
Being White is a genetic anomaly. Rare.
Comes about from the combination of Recessive genes. And then people with those recessive genes having offspring with each other
It should be easy for them to wipe out the Whites.
But the Whites will return eventually, because Negroids and Asians carry the White recessive genes in them.
People who look Whiter will naturally be attracted to one another and have offspring. And the lighter offspring will be attracted to each other. Eventually a Whiter Caucasian population will once again evolve.
Democrats paid to attend?
Whites were barbarians who lived in the north.
They worshiped pagan Norse gods.
They were Druids and Wiccans.
They never heard of the God of the Israelites until the Romans started building roads where they lived.
They were descendants of Noah's son Japheth.
The Israelites were descendants of Noah's son Shem.
Eventually they were converted to Christianity because of Paul spreading of the gospel to the Gentiles who lived in Turkey.
It's called the Great Commission.
Anyone who hears the Good News of Jesus as the Promised Messiah, is supposed to be so thankful that they want to share it with everyone they meet. It doesn't matter what color or nationality or race a person is. Any person can be a Christian.
Is it a Jewish thing to have a pencil neck and a watermelon head?
Biden is a Bully.
Of course other civilizations built roads.
But God used the Roman Empire to spread Christianity to all parts of the known world.
Jesus was born in the fullness of time.
God works in mysterious ways.
Why don't you ask God?
Also old people drain the system by getting Social Security and Medicare. The faster they die, the more money for the gov't to give to illegals and as foreign aid (aka money to launder into their own pockets)