Anonymous ID: 21e702 Feb. 29, 2024, 5:35 a.m. No.20494223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4234 >>4407

29 Feb, 2024 11:36

Hypersonic weapons promised six years ago now in service – Putin

Kinzhal missiles and Avangard nuclear gliders make Russia stronger and safer, the president has said


Moscow’s plans to deploy new, advanced weaponry, first revealed in 2018, have been realized or are in completion phases, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a keynote speech on Thursday.


Russian troops have already used the Kinzhal and Tsirkon hypersonic missiles in combat, hitting high-value Ukrainian military targets, Putin said, in an address to the Federal Assembly.


The Avangard strategic hypersonic gliders and the Peresvet laser systemare already in service, the Russian leader said. Ahypersonic glider is a vehicle usually designed for delivering a nuclear device. It can travel through the atmosphere at high altitude and great speed, and can maneuver to avoid interception.


Moscow will soon release footage of heavystrategic intercontinental ballistic Sarmat missilesin their silos, the president promised. Trials of the nuclear-powered, unlimited-range cruise missile Burevestnik and of the nuclear-capable underwater drone Poseidon are close to completion, he added.


“Those systems have confirmed their high – unique, I might say without exaggeration – specifications,” Putin said of the weapon systems.


All of the new arms, with the exception of the Tsirkon missile, were first revealed by the Russian president during a March 2018 address to the Federal Assembly.


At the time Putin described them as a response to US attempts to disrupt the strategic balance with Russia in its favor. Speaking on Thursday, he saidMoscow remained willing to negotiate on the issue with Washington, but stressed that the countries’ relationship has since seriously deteriorated.


”We are dealing with a state whose ruling elites are openly taking hostile actions against us,” he said. “Do they seriously intend to discuss strategic stability with us while trying to inflict ‘strategic defeat on the battlefield,’ as they put it themselves, on Russia?”


He described Washington’s diplomatic stance as “hypocritical” and just a means to deliver outcomes that “are beneficiary only to the US.”

Anonymous ID: 21e702 Feb. 29, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.20494643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4651 >>4652

Fire Jens Stoltenberg now before it is too late.1/2Feb. 25, 2024

NATO is risking a wider war


Jens Stoltenberg, a former Norwegian Prime Minister and now Secretary General of NATO should be fired now, before it is too late. He announced he is giving Ukraine “permission” to use its soon to be delivered F-16s to launch attacks inside Russia.


This is equivalent to a NATO declaration of war. It is an irrational and dangerous move that needs to be quashed as soon as possible.


Not only is Stoltenberg an uber hawk, but he totally misunderstands NATO’s purpose. If he is allowed to stay in office, he will lead NATO into a European war that might well include nuclear weapons.Above all, Stoltenberg doesn’t grasp that NATO is a defensive, not an offensive, alliance.


NATO has been drifting in the wrong direction for years. It has got involved in wars outside of NATO’s defensive domain, based on a rude sort of politics that gratifies the US and Europe’s otherwise inert and short sighted leaders. These wars, that now include Ukraine, are draining NATO’s defenses and weakening the core responsibility of the alliance, which is to protect the territory of its members.


There are no provisions in the NATO Treaty authorizing offensive, outside-the-boundary operations.


Now the Russians are saying that many of the so-called “mercenaries” in Ukraine are, in fact, highly trained NATO soldiers. They wear Ukrainian uniforms with national patches identifying them. They are “necessary” to operate the high tech weapons NATO has sent to Ukraine. When the Russians recently took over Avdiivka they found bodies of these mercenaries, some American and some Poles.


Earlier, they killed at least 60 French mercenaries in a hotel in Kharkiv.


The French denounced the attack saying it was disinformation. But the French also called in the Russian ambassador to complain about French deaths in Ukraine.


The Ukraine war is being rapidly turned into a NATO war, not only through the supply of intelligence, troop training and armaments, but the supply of experienced technicians. It is simply impossible for Ukraine to operate air defense systems such as Patriot and NASAMs, rocket launching systems like HIMARS, or support British and French Storm Shadow cruise missiles, without considerable outside assistance.


Most of the deaths of NATO personnel are covered up.When they are reported at all, they generally say that the “volunteer” was providing medical assistance…

Anonymous ID: 21e702 Feb. 29, 2024, 7:36 a.m. No.20494652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4695




Now the Russians are starting to believe that theF-16s delivered to Ukraine (probably operational by early summer) will be operated by NATO pilots.


The Russians make this claim based on their own past performance. Russia dressed their pilots up in Chinese outfits to fly Mig-15s in the Korean war. In the war of attrition in 1970 between Egypt and Israel, Russian pilots flew missions, sometimes openly (as only Russians could fly the Mig-25) and sometimes pretending they were Egyptian


It is extremely dangerous to use NATO pilots in Ukraine. But now Stoltenberg has “given permission” to Ukraine to fly its F-16s over Russian territory. The war has already been expanded with NATO-made drones, cruise missiles and rockets attacking targets in Russia. Adding the F-16 is a qualitative expansion because F-16s can attack Russian cities.


Russia won’t content itself trying to shoot down F-16s flown in the name of Ukraine. They will, certainly, attack Ukrainian air fields (in fact they already are doing so). But will it stop there? Probably not:Russia will interpret the F-16s flying over its territory as a declaration of war against Russia, in fact Russia already is saying so.


The F-16 is an excellent aircraft, but the planes Ukraine is getting are around 20 years old and are not really front line. That’s why the countries supplying them have moved on. While they can be upgraded with newer weapons, better fire control computers, and maybe even better radars,they are not survivable against Russian air defenses and top of the line Russian aircraft such as the Su-35.Flying them over Russia is, therefore, only a provocation likely to result in a wider war spreading to Europe.


NATO has been playing chicken with Russia for some time, especially by supplying long range systems to Ukraine’s army. There is hardly any military justification, since harassing Russia only can lead to escalation and mostly does not strengthen Ukraine’s army, which is increasingly short of manpower and ammunition.


Zelensky probably hopes that he will be saved by a NATO intervention. But from Russia’s perspective, NATO has already intervened and things can only get worse.


It is not clear who, if anyone, told Stoltenberg to make such a reckless statement about the use of the F-16.What is clear is that the “permission” should be withdrawn and Stoltenberg fired.


Stephen Bryen served as staff director of the Near East Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and as a deputy undersecretary of defense for policy. This article was first published on his Weapons and Strategy Substack and is republished with permission.