Anonymous ID: 0fc000 March 1, 2024, 6:34 a.m. No.20499133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9175



>Paid shills are easy to spot

>Trying to help other anons get up to speed.

The globals are sufficient for 'getting up to speed'. Not accusing you of anything, just saying that reposting the same exact posts every bread every day in large quantities is not helping anyone except the satanist nwo because it reduces the quantity of notables that are the greatest threat to the cult and the greatest help to anons, as far as this board goes.

The spam pattern is itself sourced by the cult, directly or indirectly, and those anons who have been lurking and posting since at least 2017, know very well the difference between organic 'random' posting patterns on the one hand, and 'attack vector' patterns on the other.


ANONS CAN ALSO identify tag teaming attempts to smear and slander truths harmful to the cult, where those truths are 'weaponized' by one poster or IP implementing a 'thesis' spamming, and another poster or IP implementing an 'antithesis' spamming, in a preplanned prescripted attempt to 'label' or 'name' or trick anons into thinking or echoing the thought that such truths are in the shill/spam category, in order to discredit it.

Anonymous ID: 0fc000 March 1, 2024, 6:51 a.m. No.20499195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9218


>With this news, scores of left-wing pundits accused the justices of conspiring to help Trump win the election


What that claim is, that one right there, is in fact a psychological projection/inversion of the 'left wing pundits' own desire for anyone, someone, the deep state, Biden DOJ, all assets controlled by the radical left political machine, to conspire to help Biden win the election.


These left wing pundits are themselves siding with a failing conspiracy, coming to realize that their own conspiracy is at threat of failure, and so rather than view current events as exposing their own conspiracy to weaponize government to prevent democratic forces from being made manifest, they instead like the narcissists they are 'see' their own conspiracy psychology in the minds and motivations of the supreme court justices.

To these psychopaths, fairness and impartial behavior is smeared and slandered as conspiracy to help a political party. It's because THAT'S ALL THEY ARE THEMSELVES THINKING ABOUT AND WANTING!


These 'left wing pundits' are stuck looping through their own psychology. Everything, EVERYTHING they accuse either 'the world' of doing, or 'the opposition' of doing, THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT THEMSELVES.

Anonymous ID: 0fc000 March 1, 2024, 7:30 a.m. No.20499331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9354 >>9423


The multi-threaded set of inconsistent statements vs behavior patterns of their scripts matches the pattern from the Plato/Plotinus/Hegel/Marx current of philosophy of elevating a dialectical thought process as if it were reflecting the nature of the universe itself being dialectical, that treats human self-alienation thoughts, "I am other than myself", "The me I think exists is not eternal, I am trapped in a temporal prison where any notion of 'Being' immediately becomes past and no longer existing", "I am thrown into a body without my choice and then my body dies without my choice", that whole worldview of human life that claims life on Earth is a place of 'exile', this praxis in anon's view DESTROYS everything it interfaces with, including Republic (constrained by law to protect the individual human life as sacrosanct and born innocent, independent of mob majority) form of government.


It destroys everything it touches, for it is openly and overtly seeking to 'change the world' by destroying everything that has been built, for everything built is by virtue of existing is allegedly by definition corrupt because it was built in a 'corrupt existence', and therefore has no good reason to continue.


The 'nwo' 'solution' of 'life in exile'…is to implement a self-contradictory inconsistent operating system that believes by breeding 'elite bloodlines' they and their offspring can escape or transcend the world in exile by themselves 'becoming' Geist/God. And the more they destroy, the more they kill, the more they believe they are 'killing' who they believe is an evil imprisoner, the 'father of lies', who threw humanity into a world in exile, where to even exist in time at all, instead of existing 'outside of time', that their 'calling' is to implement destruction of 'the other' that isn't them.


The NWO operates on a logical pattern that dates back thousands of years.


Seemingly ironically, but totally expected and evident in the logic, even with all their bluster 'against God' in all its forms, demonic imagery in media, mass baby killing farms, islands of ritual raping and killing of children, wars, viruses, anything and everything to "get God"….THEY ARE MAKING THEMSELVES MORE DEPENDENT on the architecture of a Geist entity or being. To be sure they are doing so by way of extremist 'negation', but that is still a dependency, and we could even say that they are more radically dependent on and thereby promoting and prolonging the logic of pride, on a Geist power they believe they ought to be, than are most everyday Jews, Christians and Muslims, whose religious tradition is one of humility and reserving to God all the power the NWO are seeking to introduce into themselves and their 'bloodlines'.


"Worlds I would destroy for ever, since I can create no world" - Karl Marx

Anonymous ID: 0fc000 March 1, 2024, 7:55 a.m. No.20499445   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Tech entrenched on their controls.


One of the biggest weaknesses of the current of Marxist philosophy is its inability to cope with or reconcile or 'destroy' UNEXPECTED TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS. To the Marxists, everything is caused by 'material productive forces', even human thoughts. It doesn't recognize the fact that what they are defining as 'material productive forces' are themselves created by human ideas of new technology, new information, new knowledge, that is implemented in the form of material means of production. To the Marxists, these realities allegedly appear ex nihilo, out of nowhere, when in reality those realities are caused by the new ideas that arise in human minds that were soft and hard wired before the first capitalist economies appeared.

Human minds are and must be logically and structurally UNPREDICTABLE, for to even attempt to predict human minds, presupposes that the LEARNING minds seeking to predict human minds, are themselves changing in…UNPREDICTABLE ways. For the whole purpose, the whole enterprise of 'prediction' is designed to introduce new information, new knowledge, where there was none before. Otherwise why go about trying to test and predict, all the future knowledge would be known in the present, which is a logical contradiction.


The NWO didn't, couldn't, predict the rise of the digital revolution, which, because of the fact the digital revolution can't 'store' both what it stores and what it doesn't store, that dialectic structure of SPEECH that despots have been relying on for centuries to control human beings, doesn't work and cannot work in the digital world. The digital world has strict logical rules that reflect the logical reality of reality that no amount of speech or intimidation or wars can transcend.


The NWO were BLIND, as all humans were, to the introduction of the digital revolution that NOBODY predicted before it was first thought of and implemented.


Computers were a surprise.

The internet was a surprise.


The realty today is that the NWO 'bloodlines' for the first time in history can't control/contain/destroy the information. That's why 'we' are beating them.


They made their choice, they put their faith into a false god, a false 'lord', a false 'power'. It might not take a day or a year or a lifetime, but eventually the truth will out, even if it takes thousands of years.