Anonymous ID: 60404c March 1, 2024, 5:57 a.m. No.20499034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9074 >>9146 >>9159 >>9185 >>9234 >>9565 >>9692 >>9762


Cities Across United States Seeing Surge of Violent Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens


During his presidential announcement speech in June of 2015, the then-presidential candidate famously warned that many of the migrants crossing the border illegally were “bringing drugs,” “bringing crime” and were “rapists.”


Now that an estimated ten million illegals have crossed Biden’s wide open border since 2021, Trump’s warning has come into full focus.


In just the past week, recent arrivals from Central America and South America have been arrested for rape, murder, theft, and burglaries throughout the U.S., including Florida, Maryland, Michigan, Washington, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York and Georgia.


[lots of recent examples are listed]


Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has been using his platform X to raise awareness of the dangers of Joe Biden’s wide-open borders.


“Anyone, even a literal serial killer, can toss away the ID they used to get into Mexico from anywhere in the world, then claim asylum, say they have no documents and be ushered into America,” he wrote on February 27, in response to a New York Post story about the heartbreaking murder of Laken Riley. “This is happening every day.”


Hat tip to Libs of TikTok for flagging so many of these stories on X.



Close the borders.

Anonymous ID: 60404c March 1, 2024, 6:09 a.m. No.20499054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9105 >>9234 >>9565 >>9692 >>9762


National Border Patrol Council: Trump Supports Agents’ Mission; Biden ‘Burned the Border to the Ground’


The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) drew a stark contrast between how former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden treat border patrol agents, declaring Trump shows agents “respect” while “Biden falsely accuses them of crimes.”


The union, which notes it represents some “18,000 Border Patrol Agents and support personnel assigned to the U.S. Border Patrol,” took to X on Thursday to lay out the “difference” between Biden and Trump.




“President Trump treats BP agents with respect, supports their mission and listens to their ideas,” a post from the union’s official account reads. “Biden falsely accuses agents of crimes, burned the border to the ground and only listens to his radical leftist base. See the difference?”




Judd also ripped Biden during a Fox News appearance Monday night, suggesting his visit is “self-serving.”


“He had three years to put policies in place,” Judd said. “Now we’re only eight months from an election and now it looks like he’s interested, and he’s only interested in it because it’s self-serving and he wants to save himself.”




It also warned that Americans are “just experiencing the tip of the iceberg with illegal alien crime in this country.”




“When Joe Biden’s Titanic capsizes you’re going to see the real damage he’s done the last 3 years,” it added.



Close the borders Joe.

Anonymous ID: 60404c March 1, 2024, 6:17 a.m. No.20499074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9234 >>9565 >>9692 >>9762



  • On Feb. 26, an illegal alien from Honduras was arrested for allegedly raping a woman at a hotel in Englewood, Florida, ABC7 reported.


  • On Monday, Prince George’s County Police Department in Langley Park, Maryland charged 25-year-old Nilson Trejo-Granados with first and second-degree murder in connection with the shooting death of 2-year-old boy.


  • An MS-13 gang member who slipped into the country illegally multiple times, was arrested in Massachusetts on February 18.


  • Last September, Venezuelan citizen Renzo Mendoza Montes crossed the southern border into El Paso, Texas. He was detained by Border Patrol and then released into the country. Five months later, he allegedly sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl in Campbell County, Virginia, the New York Post reported on Feb. 27.


Montes is facing charges of “carnal knowledge of a child without force” and “taking indecent liberties with a child.”


“We are especially sensitive to the fact that these crimes involve a young juvenile who lives here within our community,” Sheriff Whit Clark said in a statement.


  • Angel Matias Castellanos-Orellana, a 19-yer-old illegal alien from from Honduras, was arrested in Kenner, Louisiana on Sunday after he had committed two violent crimes.


The Kenner Police Department confirmed that Castellanos-Orellana is in the United States illegally.


His crime spree allegedly began on February 20 with the rape of a 14-year-old girl at knifepoint, Fox8Live reported.


Then, in the early morning of Feb. 25, police responded to reports of a stabbing.


  • ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in Seattle arrested 12 illegal immigrants with sex offense-related convictions, including child exploitation crimes, during a nationwide law enforcement effort that ran from Feb. 5 to Feb. 16. In January, ICE arrested a total of 171 individuals who “presented a threat to public safety” in the sanctuary state of Washington.


  • Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal alien, is accused of brutally murdering 22-year-old Laken Riley last Thursday on the University of Georgia campus.


  • According to reports, “transnational organized crime groups” from South America are burglarizing homes all across America.


In Michigan, a criminal gang of illegals have reportedly targeted wealthy gated communities around Detroit, breaking into homes and stealing cash, precious metals, purses, jewelry, electronics, watches and more.


Oakland County, Michigan Sheriff Michael Bouchard warned the gangs are able to bypass high-tech security.


“We estimate that there are crews operating all across the country,” he said.


  • In the past month, illegal aliens in New York City have attacked NYPD officers in a migrant shelter and in Times Square.


  • Ruano Garcia, an illegal immigrant from Guatemala, was arrested in Lehi, Utah Monday after allegedly raping an 11-year-old girl.



Anonymous ID: 60404c March 1, 2024, 6:20 a.m. No.20499087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9099 >>9234 >>9565 >>9692 >>9762


Los Angeles Hires And Arms Foreign Criminals To Police U.S. Citizens


The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is hiring illegal border crossers with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status and equipping them with guns to police American citizens in California.


President Barack Obama’s 2012 DACA order indefinitely delays the deportation of illegal border crossers who enter the United States claiming to be minors. Recipients do not start becoming U.S. citizens unless they apply for a green card. That is why many seek endless DACA renewals that allow them to continue working and living in the States while still foreign citizens and admitted border lawbreakers.


Until recently, California only allowed U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents in the process of obtaining citizenship to serve as law enforcement. In 2022, the Democrat legislature passed a law authorizing any of the hundreds of thousands of illegal border crossers, including DACA recipients, who obtain work authorization to join police forces across the state.



Anonymous ID: 60404c March 1, 2024, 6:37 a.m. No.20499143   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9195 >>9234 >>9565 >>9692 >>9762


Democrats Are Furious That Due Process Is Ruining Their Lawfare Schedule


On Monday, Special Counsel Jack Smith requested the Supreme Court take up the question of presidential immunity in the election interference case against former president Donald Trump. It took only a few hours for the court to grant that request.


Now, you might be under the impression that such a quick result would greatly please Democrats. But there’s a major hitch. It seems that the justices forgot to ask Rachel Maddow to plan their schedules. Though the court expedited the case, arguments won’t be heard until April, with a decision likely to come in late June — making it unlikely, though not impossible, that there will be a trial before the 2024 election.


With this news, scores of left-wing pundits accused the justices of conspiring to help Trump win the election. By granting Smith’s request, Chris Hayes complained it “was a clear, unmistakable sign from the MAGA majority of the Trump-created court that they are with him. That they are going to use their power to make sure that he does not face trial in an election year for attempting to end American democracy.”




Indeed, the panic over timing reads like an explicit admission that the Trump prosecution is integral to the president’s reelection hopes. Biden basically admitted as much when he grumbled (and telegraphed) to Merrick Garland that the AG wasn’t acting in an aggressive enough partisan manner.


More importantly, though this might be tough for progressives to accept, Trump has every right to contest the prosecution’s charges, to appeal to higher courts, and to utilize any arguments that delay the trial for his own benefit. Trump has not been convicted of anything.





Short article, but a good read.

Anonymous ID: 60404c March 1, 2024, 7:13 a.m. No.20499265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9348 >>9353


America not only needs to close its borders, but it also needs to control all of its ports of entry - both at sea and air.


It's really clear at this point that Americans have become second class citizens in their own country.