May his parents find peace.
>Methinks they'll slowly realize their role in what happened and what they could've done to avoid it.
Perhaps you'd care to expand on "their role," seeing as you seem to be familiar with it.
That's cheese pizza. Not eveything to do with cheese relates to pedos.
Thinks his doubt and despair routine still works.
Careful, Anon. I hope you wrote that list yourself lest the shills come out of the wordwork and accuse you of stealing other people's work. Because copypasting a list, from a place that it was copiedpasted from wasn't even the source they claimed it was from. Copypasting lists is serious business as of last night. Hell, why doesn't everyone hold everyone else to that same standard, for anything copypasted on a chan.
Could explain why VaticanClown tags so many people randomly when the shills are being engaged and knocked to the ground as usual.
They consider it a small victory if they're able to drive away or force compliance to what they want in those that dared to stand up to their attempts. That particular shill has PDS: Pig Derangement Syndrome. 129 UIDs and the clown is obsessed with the fame he thinks others have.
Go away, fool. You spent 8 months imitating me and it got nowhere. Your partner that you work with has taken up the mantle and developed an entire namefag persona around it, using a different selection of memes than the ones you used to copy before you burnt out and a new coworker took up the mantle with a name in the namefield. Only when you insult that shill, then VaticanClown breaks character. thought you could take Pig down. You've spent moar posts, moar time, and moar effort talking about me than I have for the past 8 months. Filtered. The Fake Doge and Loretta tag-team are you.
But, I can't engage the shills. Lest board staff think I'm one and start removing my posts too. Recommend removing the "We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only" part of the bread header if everyone is expected to turn the other cheek and put their head in the sand and just ignore the shills. If you ignore them they just go away, right? So why are they still here when they're ignored? Why do they still try to take over the board? Think about it.
I like how you went from thanking that baker and praising it to attacking it once that it was pointed out you do that. Had to cover your ass, huh? All those people are still here, so what did you destroy? You're the clown that argued that my identity was in a Pepe holding a cigar. The fact you still call me SmokingPepe kind of disproves everything you say and that identity has transcended the meme and become something moar. You're just another fed running through a routine because, uh, where's the regular spam that was spammed for half a decade before you decided to go on your failing crusade. Now give me a tl;dr and filtered and fascinating like you usually do with a long post that slaps you into the dirt like the slug you are.
That's what I thought. Nothing but deflection and projection. An NPC with limited thought and responses. Just like someone that used to spam the Finkelstein copypasta and merchants. Same mentality.