add Gates, Carstens, Gutierres, Francis, Charles, LaGarde, Trudeau, Freeland, Fauci, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Stoltenburg, etc etc
>Paid shills are easy to spot, since they are here 24/7 x365 SPAMMING the same constant BS.
that dude never ages either
>this cult of pedophile bastards
the pedos work for the harvesters and cannibals, butโฆyeah.
this is not a new thingโฆ
kids been going to bars since forever. See Drew Barrymore's story, Brooke Shields, and way before that. Not just famous girls. You didn't have a fake ID in high school?
Dud in anons town painted a sheet of plywood to look exactly like another states drivers license. You stand in front of the board, take a photo, print, laminate, and you were good to go. A little harder these days, but fake IDs (and palm grease or other favors) is a thing
With all the revelations on the gay acts in the entertainment industry, perhaps Ice Cube's No Vaseline deserves another listen, eh Dr. Dre, billionaire Beats (headphones) man?