Sandy Hook parent gets into character
Robby Parker smiles and asks "are we ready to get started" before he changes his demeanor when realizing he is live.
The first 35 seconds is all you need to know.
>I just lost a child
>I'm smiling
>Let me get into character
>Now I'm sad
You should tell everyone you are going for a shave. Maybe go to bed as well?
I can't imagine being you.
He is so predictable.
I used to upload the HRN meme daily but he constantly responded to me when I was making fun of a dozen others.
He literally made the HRN meme about himself because he is too obsessed with himself.
This "ANON" will also take the time to write a paragraph and then say "FILTER". Dude acts like a "DIGITIAL WARRIOR" but gets the last insult before claiming the filter.
Imagine being 49 years of age and spending 16 hours here daily and pretending others have an agenda.
I'll post this same meme again like nobody ever seen it 20 times in the past three days.
I'm anon, just like you.
Prayers for this "ANON". He is so dense that when others attack him for being the same basic bitch he has an explosion.
You are as a repetitive as the Vatican spammer. Deal with it. You are no different, attacking others while you claim you can't do anything wrong.
I might go for a shave.