Anonymous ID: cc6654 March 1, 2024, 10:34 a.m. No.20500329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0408

Apparently, Vladimir Putin Is Also To Blame For Mass Migration To Europe


A new narrative has dropped claiming that the massive numbers of illegal immigrants flooding into Europe is all a plot cooked up by Vladimir Putin.


Yes, really.


The Telegraph cites nebulous “intelligence documents” it has seen that detail a plan for Russia to “set up a 15,000-man strong border police force comprising former militias in Libya to control the flow of migrants.”


“If you can control the migrant routes into Europe then you can effectively control elections, because you can restrict or flood a certain area with migrants in order to influence public opinion at a crucial time,” a source told the newspaper.


In the year to June 2023, 52,530 illegal migrants entered the UK on small boats, a 17 per cent increase on the previous year.


Presumably, Putin was responsible for that too.


Aside from illegal immigration, the UK government granted 3.4 million visas to legal immigrants in 2023, a 20 per cent year on year increase.


Part of this figure includes 279,131 visas granted to dependents of immigrants, a figure 80 per cent higher than 2022.

Anonymous ID: cc6654 March 1, 2024, 10:37 a.m. No.20500347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0355

France considering placing Special Forces in Ukraine – Le Monde


Paris is contemplating sending a small force into Ukrainian territory to pose a “strategic dilemma” for Moscow, the French outlet has claimed


The French government is mulling sending a small military force directly into Ukraine to serve as instructors for Kiev’s Armed Forces and as a “deterrent” to Moscow, newspaper Le Monde reported on Friday, citing its sources.


The paper did not disclose the number of French military ‘instructors’ that could potentially be authorized to cross into Ukrainian territory but reported that their ranks could include some “conventional units.”


According to Le Monde, France’s Special Forces were also involved in training Ukrainian soldiers in neighboring Poland and in escorting the nation’s arms deliveries to Kiev. They have, however, always “stopped at the Ukrainian border,” the outlet added.


The training France would like to provide to Ukrainians “on the ground” includes handling air defense systems, Friday’s report said. Kiev’s surface-to-air weapons installations are frequently targeted by Russian forces, it explained, adding that the “presence of French soldiers or [those] of other nations would potentially protect certain areas of the Ukrainian territory.”


The French government allegedly views such a troop deployment as a way of posing a “strategic dilemma” for Moscow, the paper said, adding that it could “constrain” Russia’s targeting and strike capabilities. In particular, it may prove to be “essential” ahead of the arrival of US-made F-16 fighter jets, scheduled to take place later this year, the French daily added.


So far, France has denied that any of its troops have been present in Ukraine during the conflict, the media outlet said. French President Emmanuel Macron sparked controversy on Monday when he told journalists that a potential NATO troop deployment to Ukraine could not be ruled out in the future.


“There’s no consensus today to send, in an official manner, troops on the ground,” he said. “In terms of dynamics, we cannot exclude anything. We will do everything necessary to prevent Russia from winning this war.”


Macron’s comments prompted other members of the US-led bloc, including the US, UK, Germany and Italy, to clarify that they had no such plans. The French president’s remarks were seemingly supported by two Baltic nations – Estonia and Lithuania – who also said that such a move could not be ruled out.


Moscow warned in response that deploying NATO forces to Ukraine would make a direct conflict between Russia and the military bloc inevitable. On Friday, French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne denied that Paris was planning to send any combat units to Ukraine, adding that it would do “everything” to avoid a war with Russia.


The French president himself doubled down on his comments on Thursday by saying his words had been “thought through and measured.”

Anonymous ID: cc6654 March 1, 2024, 10:41 a.m. No.20500372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0385 >>0397 >>0408 >>0469

VIDEO RELEASED – US Federal Agents Arrest Reporter Steve Baker for Covering Jan. 6 Protests and Challenging Official Narrative


The Blaze journalist Steve Baker was arrested on Friday morning by FBI agents for reporting on the January 6 protests and challenging the official narrative.


Nearly three years after the January 6, 2021 fedsurrection, Blaze reporter Steve Baker reported in December that he will be charged for his actions that day reporting live on the event.


Steve wrote in October 2023 that he was under investigation for the past two years by Chris Wray’s FBI for reporting at the historic protests in Washington DC.


Even reporters aren’t safe from this tyrannical regime. Steve expected to be charged by the Biden regime.


Steve Baker detailed his experiences that day in an earlier report. Then, in February 2021, he began questioning the role others may have played in the protests and rioting that day. This was clearly off limits.


The left-wing Sedition Hunters compiled a rather impressive spreadsheet of all types of journalists, with designations of “Interior (Breach),” “Interior (Press Corps),” and “Restricted Grounds” assigned to 160 different “confirmed” journalists, and an additional spreadsheet tab listing 45 “unconfirmed” reporters and videographers.


When I first looked up the Sedition Hunters’ spreadsheet over a year ago, I wasn’t listed. So I contacted them and asked to be added. They didn’t respond to me directly. Instead, they blocked me from their Twitter page. A more recent search shows they added my name, along with my Locals blog link, my Twitter handle, and my Rumble page, with the “Interior (Breach)” designation under the “confirmed” tab.


(My journalistic activities on January 6 took place before I became a Blaze Media contributor.)


I made no effort to hide what I was doing on January 6. I did two different interviews that same day with WUSA, a CBS News affiliate in Washington, D.C. I also uploaded a short YouTube video commentary later that same evening.


Upon returning to my home in Raleigh, North Carolina, I socked myself away for five days, doing a frame-by-frame analysis of my own videos. I then wrote and published on January 13, 2021, a 9,500-word opus to my blog detailing what I experienced that day, titled, “What I Saw on January 6th in Washington, D.C.”

Anonymous ID: cc6654 March 1, 2024, 10:50 a.m. No.20500412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fact Checking The Fact Checkers: Experts Say Fluoridated Water Not Safe To Drink


As Americans wait to hear the outcome of a federal court’s ruling on water fluoridation, corporate fact checkers are attempting to confuse the public. Let’s fact check the “fact checkers”.


On the final day of the lawsuit between the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a “fact check” was released in an attempt to quell public concern regarding the dangers of water fluoridation. The so-called fact check, CDC, Experts Say Fluoridated Water Is Safe, Contrary to RFK Jr.’s Warnings, reiterated what Americans have heard for the last 80 years: water fluoridation is safe and helps reduce cavities. Anyone who says otherwise is simply some nut on the internet who doesn’t understand science. wasted no time letting the reader know that trustworthy institutions like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and “multiple expert groups” want you to know that fluoride is totally safe and good for America. These groups include the American Dental Association, who is one of the original promoters of this practice, and certainly an organization that stands to lose if the public rejects fluoride as safe.


As indicated in the title, was focused on tweets from independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., including one from February 4th where he said, “As president. I’m going to order the CDC to take every step necessary to remove neurotoxic fluoride from American drinking water.” also took issue with a tweet from Jason Bassler, co-founder of The Free Thought Project independent media website, and now also part of the TLAV team. Bassler’s tweet was also posted on Instagram by other accounts. Neither of the accounts attracted more than 1,500 likes. The website took particular issue with his statement that “multiple studies confirm fluoride is a neurotoxin that violates the Toxic Substances Control Act and reduces IQ in kids.”


According to, the data on water fluoridation and neurotoxicity are “less clear-cut” than the social media posts claimed. Let’s take a look at their claims and statements by government officials, and compare them to what we heard in the fluoride lawsuit.


Authority Bias

From the outset it appears obvious that has a bias for supporting the government’s positions, and thus, arguing in defense of government policy. Rather than simply looking at the data as it stands and drawing conclusions, operates as a mouth piece for the U.S. government’s position.


For example, they start off by acknowledging that “some studies” have found an association between higher fluoride exposure during pregnancy and lower IQ in children. However, they choose to include a pretty massive caveat. Namely, that many of the studies on fluoride are “done in areas of the world with naturally high levels of fluoride in their water supplies well above the optimally recommended level”. Unfortunately, this is only partially true.

While many of the recent reviews of the peer reviewed literature on fluoride include studies which did examine levels of water fluoridation above the level recommended by the CDC, researchers also examined studies relating to fluoride concentrations similar to what Americans experience.

Anonymous ID: cc6654 March 1, 2024, 10:58 a.m. No.20500454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0462 >>0479

Return of the Pronoun Police: Elon Musk’s X/Twitter Reinstates Rules Against Misgendering, ‘Deadnaming’


Elon Musk’s platform X/Twitter has reinstated woke rules against “misgendering” and “deadnaming” transgender people after dropping the rules to great fanfare last year.


Ars Technica reports that X/Twitter recently updated its abuse and harassment policy page to include a new section explaining its rules against intentionally using the wrong pronouns for a person or referring to them by a name they no longer use — called “deadnaming” by woke LGBT radicals. The new “Use of Prior Names and Pronouns” section states that X/Twitter will “reduce the visibility of posts” that incorrectly gender a person or use their old name rather than their new one adopted during transition.


This move comes after X/Twitter dropped its longstanding prohibition on deadnaming and misgendering of transgender users back in April 2023. At the time, GLAAD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis criticized the change as “the latest example of just how unsafe the company is for users and advertisers alike” under the ownership of Elon Musk, who has a history of liking and sharing anti-trans content.


Under the updated policy, X/Twitter will take action when it hears directly from the target of the misgendering or deadnaming, “given the complexity of determining whether such a violation has occurred.” GLAAD senior director Jenni Olson told Ars this unfairly places the burden on targets to report their own abuse. However, she acknowledged that explicit policies against deadnaming and misgendering are preferable to vague ones that leave violators unsure if they’re breaking rules.


Chay Raichik of Libs of TikTok questioned the change and asked X/Twitter owner Elon Musk to comment on the situation, to which Musk said the policy only applies to “repeated, targeted harassment of a particular person.”

Anonymous ID: cc6654 March 1, 2024, 11:01 a.m. No.20500470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0478

Germany Appears to Have Inadvertently Revealed the UK and France have Soldiers in Ukraine


German Chancellor Scholz stands accused of handing Russia a propaganda coup in order to smooth over his own political difficulties as he claims the presence of British and French soldiers aiding Ukrainian forces.


Scholz has been accused of abusing intelligence and being a bad ally by angry NATO politicians after his remarks about the level of involvement he claims there is of the British and French in the deployment of the Storm Shadow / SCALP cruise missiles they have given to Ukraine, and which have been deployed with devastating effect.


Ukraine continues to demand Germany hand over its stock of Taurus bunker-buster cruise missiles to help it fight Russia. Indeed, the powerful and long-range weapon which Berlin has proven resistant to supply has been the subject of debate in Germany dragging on now for several months. Chancellor Olaf Scholz insists providing the weapon, which has the endurance to strike deep into Russian areas would represent an irresponsible escalation of the war and make Germany a party to the conflict in a way its previous donations of weapon systems and ammunition had not.


Answering questions on the subject again this week, Chancellor Scholz developed his reasoning for refusing the weapon by stating it was of such complexity there would necessarily have to be German soldiers present in Ukraine to program and set up the weapon before it could be fired. Scholz said this week: “What is being done in the way of target control and accompanying target control on the part of the British and the French can’t be done in Germany. Everyone who has dealt with this system knows that”.


Indeed, he doubled down on this on Friday: “I will not support any decision that would somehow involve German soldiers in a military operation related to Russia’s terrible war against Ukraine”.


It is a little-discussed fact that many NATO states have soldiers in Ukraine, but these troops are generally present only to protect the embassies of those nations in Kyiv, and to safeguard diplomatic staff. In some cases they have additional roles: the United States has been open about the fact it has a limited presence of soldiers who track what happens to the enormous amounts of high-tech weapons systems the West gives to Ukraine, for the sake of accountability. Indeed, that presence was re-confirmed only this week by John Kirby.


In the case of the United Kingdom, an apparently off-guard remark by a senior military officer in 2022 revealed there may be more going on behind the scenes, the Lieutenant General saying there had been “discreet operations in a hugely sensitive environment and with a high level of political and military risk”. The British government later strongly denied having any active troops in Ukraine, however, warning against “taking at face value allegations that have the potential to spread disinformation”.


Nonetheless, Scholz saying British and French troops are active inside Ukraine in this more active way — helping Ukrainians to program and target individual missiles — is a considerable step beyond this minor embassy protection role. Figures from the United Kingdom and within Germany itself have lashed out at Scholz for, it is alleged, throwing his allies under the bus to try and diffuse domestic political tension over his own issues.

Anonymous ID: cc6654 March 1, 2024, 11:04 a.m. No.20500483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0549 >>0554

Whoopi Goldberg: “You know what Joe Biden could do since he is presently President?! He could throw every Republican in jail!


What an uneducated woman….she is so into the “Pay me” stuff, she doesnt even care what she says.

Anonymous ID: cc6654 March 1, 2024, 11:08 a.m. No.20500511   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Antibiotic contamination of U.S. food supply increasing as Big Pharma pushes more drugs for animals


The threat of antibiotic resistance is increasing as the pharmaceutical industry continues to pump out new antibiotic drugs to replace old antibiotic drugs that no longer work.


Believe it or not, most antibiotics sold in the United States are administered to livestock used in the meat industry. And they are typically given to healthy animals for purposes other than treating sickness – this includes for prophylactic and growth promotion purposes.


As of 2020, upwards of 69 percent of the U.S. antibiotic supply is found in meat that people and other animals eat for sustenance. Since the drugs often persist in meat tissue, many people are thus consuming a steady dose of antibiotic drugs on a daily basis with every meal.


The vast majority of the country has no idea this is the case, assuming instead that their meat is "safe" since it bears approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), but this is not necessarily the case.


"When animals are given antibiotics, it causes unnatural growth by altering their gut microbiome," warns Dr. Joseph Mercola. "In the process, some of those gut bacteria become antibiotic-resistant. Contaminated meat can then become a source of drug-resistant infections."



Natural antibiotics are better

Some may recall that in 2013 we published the above-linked article about the FDA's antibiotic allowance in food that the same federal agency issued a guidance calling on farmers to begin phasing out the use of medically important antibiotics in livestock production. This aimed to stem the tide of antibiotic resistance, which is something the World Health Organization (WHO) likewise agreed was best in 2017 when it urged farmers to stop giving their healthy animals antibiotics just to make them grow more quickly.


Also in 2017, the U.S. government tightened its rules for antibiotic use in healthy animals, followed by California becoming the first state one year later to outlaw the use of antibiotics in food-animal production, as well as outlaw the use of antibiotics in animals without a veterinarian's prescription.


The after-effects of these policy changes appeared beneficial at first, resulting in a 42 percent decline in antibiotic use in America between 2015 and 2017. Then, between 2017 and 2022, antibiotic use spiked by 12 percent, with 4.3 percent of that rise occurring in 2022 alone.


The way Big Pharma is getting around the new restrictions is by creating new antibiotics that are slightly different than the older ones, which allows farmers to give their animals a larger variety of antibiotics in smaller individual amounts. Think of it like a loophole that the pharmaceutical industry is exploiting, as usual for profit.


Besides the antibiotic resistance problem, there are also the health problems associated with antibiotics, many of which bear a "black box" warning from the FDA for being extremely dangerous. The good news is that there are natural alternatives.

Anonymous ID: cc6654 March 1, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.20500546   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The far-reaching consequences of Thursday’s Gaza aid disaster


Deadly incident will likely complicate both war aims — dismantling Hamas and returning the hostages — exacerbate friction on other fronts, boost global calls for permanent ceasefire


From early on in Israel’s vital war to dismantle Hamas and ensure it could not rise again to commit further October 7 atrocities, the United States, Israel’s key supportive ally, implored the government to do its best to ensure sufficient humanitarian aid was brought into the Gaza warzone and to give thought to alternative civil governance for the Strip to replace Hamas.


Both of those concerns were also shared by Israel’s own security authorities.


It is far from certain that even the most assiduous efforts by an Israeli leadership to address those two issues could have prevented Thursday morning’s deaths of many Gazans in the chaos and crush surrounding a convoy of aid trucks. But with Israel widely regarded, and regarding itself, as the only non-Hamas address for mid-war Gaza, it is Israel that the international community — relentless enemies and broad supporters alike — considers to be ultimately responsible for the incident.


The very nature of the disaster, involving large crowds desperately converging on precious supplies whose only route into Gaza is via Israeli inspection points, underlines why the finger of blame is being pointed at Israel. And never mind Israel’s claim that much more aid has been made available than the UN has proved able to distribute; that the desperation for food and supplies is largely a consequence of a still partly potent Hamas commandeering aid; and that the deaths on Thursday were almost all a consequence of a stampede around the trucks and of people being run over, with Gazan gunmen also firing at the scene.


On October 17, a Hamas claim that an Israeli airstrike had struck Gaza City’s al-Ahli hospital, killing hundreds, was initially widely reported, and may still be widely believed among Israel’s detractors, but was credibly and fairly rapidly debunked, with the blast shown to have been the result of a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket. The specifics and context of Thursday’s incident are more complex and potentially much more far-reaching.

Anonymous ID: cc6654 March 1, 2024, 11:31 a.m. No.20500623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik, MD, PhD (born December 7, 1943) Cuban-American Jew


In 1976, he was made Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker. He was later a consultant of the United States Department of State


Alex Jones handler who said on Jones's show

that the constitution is a relic

that must e done away with!


Handler of AJ and Mossad clown.