say it with me:
>I will not be a controlled cunt.
say it again:
>I will not be a controlled cunt.
now say this:
>I will trust in myself and not be a burden to others.
>I understand that feel cooking is not a thing, even when it seems easy to track folks on a point of made disappointment, I understand that this is not how life is and I understand that this is not what knighthood means.
>I will take up the cross, irl, I will watch tv and be comfy until the heavens learned.
>I will not be a controlled cunt.
>I will not be made to shop at this place at that time and I will not be part of cooking others.
>never will I lock symbolism to irl.
>never will I lock symbolism to irl and with that make others controlled cunts.
>never will I take a job at this company or travel to that location bc of maybe handed over symbolism.
>I will let irl guide me and make sure irl is lived in a nice way, a way with love as base always and as result of first action, a way God intends it to be lived.
>I will not lock myself in feeling feels at a certain time.
>I will not be a controlled cunt but will let irl guide me.
>I will not expect others to feel feels at a certain time and never will I try to make that happen, other then with normal nice smiles irl.
>I will not be a controlled cunt but trust in myself and not into the bs others could interpret into other bs.
>I will not be a controlled cunt.
knights, say this:
>I am a knight of God and never will I betray him or love itself.
>I will treat God adonay and even make it part of my thinking to assume not many know about that actual adonay God guy.
>I will not be a controlled cunt.
>I will read holy books with love as base and know that Jesus Barabas and very symbolic meaning to being crossed is a thing.
>I will not be a controleld cunt.
>A doctors appointment at 3 o´clock or a typo in my morning paper will not make me a controlled cunt.
>I acknowledge realities lurking me as a knight with symbolism and the stuff I represent, I will be humble and if guiding realities itself in their talk that I am to witness as my holy duty, I will guide in terms of love and nothing bad ever needed in heaven.
>I trust in God having spread his info in many ways and will wait for those heavens lurking to catch up.
>I will not look for a fight. God does never establish his position with war or anything like that.
>I will not look for a revolution or everyone having wings tomorrow, but, other than those not knowing the power of God and heavens, I will assume God´s heavenly build to effect the earthes. I will make others trust and comfort them.
>Still I will not be a controlled cunt and will not accept bs, like wars or having africas fish stolen.
>I will not be a controlled cunt.
>I will not let those represent me, that fail at change for the better but argue against change.
>I will not be a controlled cunt.