Anonymous ID: 907275 March 1, 2024, 5:30 p.m. No.20502477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2592


>Those same people never gave me any indication of who I was. So, kindly tell me the truth.


What I am about to tell you requires knowledge, and this knowledge comes by way of faith, good faith that is. It is the same reason why everyone is here, even evil. It is about the vow that swore before the Most high and His Holy assembly where you promised: That you would come to this earth, In the partial Light of God, find and remember the Living God and make this world a place that the Most High might rest His Head by making this world into His Kingdom regardless of any known and unknown darkness. You were herald by the the Most High and His Assembly and given a perishable and an imperishable body, and a Silver cord should you become lost. To the memory of this, is given power.