When does the plan start?
i see mr shilly back
5 year delta
do we wait 17 years Q?
rig 4 red?
99% in hospital?
this was before adam and eve!
i know an Irish man who rented his castle!
Having bought when prices were low, Tunney cleared his debts by selling most of his assets as the economy recovered during 1977–9. He retained Sachs Hotel in Dublin and the Clones meat plant while the Gresham sales deal in 1978 gave him free use for life of a 2,400 square foot luxury penthouse suite. There was also Classiebawn Castle in Sligo, a ten-bedroomed castle built in 1856 by the British prime minister Lord Palmerston, which Tunney leased in 1976 for twenty-one years from Lord Mountbatten, a leading member of the British royal family. In return for a small rent, Tunney agreed to finance badly needed renovations and to allow Mountbatten to have the castle every August. The two men were unalike yet bonded over their mutual passion for Classiebawn and interest in history.
pope bad may?