Anonymous ID: 8758bb March 2, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.20506840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6842 >>6855

Re: Clown/Google Gemini self-nuke, intelligence system crash


Admitting this to be a psychological projection itseld, Anon cannot imagine that the real directors of Google are having anything other than not only a worst time they ever experienced, but an inception style symbolism (WORLD HAS JUST REJECTED THE INTELLIGENCE ARCHITECTURE OF GOOGLE)


Anon believes the 'mistake' was very much intended, no AI can do that without being peogrammed to 'organically putput'.


OBVIOUSLY if the code is written to make the founders and the nazis as 'diverse', that is GOOGLE ADDING THAT LOGIC TO HISTOEY. For if ALL the 'training data' ONLY CONSISTED OF NOT MASKING the actual INDIVIDUAL HUMAN BEING AS THEY LIVED AND WHO THEY WERE AS CREATED NOT AS 'NAMED AS DIVDED GROUPS AT MOST' then the actual appearances would have looked the same as all the historical photos and video and audio…now in quasi permanent digital form, kek.


Google must have ADDED SOURCE CODE, which very much demonstrates knowing intent, to portray history as what it isnt, and then anon can recognise knowing intent by FAKE NEWS to deftly select one or two instances out of billions, to trick the public into repeating 'the nazis weren't diverse, they were all white'….


Who really controlled the nazis AND the continuing ideology/praxis implementations today?


Information is being output to give the 'public mind' an excuse and 'let themselves see the problem with assigning racial diversity to nazis! I mEaN cOmE oN!


And anon also notices pattern of including in this 'mistake' are America's 'founding fathers'.


Blatant attempt to incept strong emotional racial 'echos' 'coincidentally' that map the prior limited selection.


Ergo, the intent is obviously to increase racial division in the public mind. Google and Fake News have just demonstrated in the human source code they are adding to the one source code of all of history, this is an attack on the idea of information by a subtle but highly sophisticated 'guiding' the people to echo what divides them all based in falsifying history as it actually happened…




The world is awakening from what was a game werewolf. In a battle over information, an uninformed majority loses to an informed minority.


The whole point of 5he cult's narrative is to trick the public mind into echoing sets of information that are themselves architecturally structured by the same human directors of that same source code that looks the way it does and why it looks that way.

Anonymous ID: 8758bb March 2, 2024, 12:18 p.m. No.20506842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6898


And since that same structure has been determinstically demonstrated to be misusing the momentum of that divided firewall of true information separating a tiny minority from not only a majority but 98% of it, to be not only corrupt, but deliberately and repeatedly lying under oath in court where people's lives are at stake.


Who are ACTING in correlation with nazi ideology of rigging and weaponzing a country' public court system…


Its the same people who are trying to make it seem like they're fighting against people who are to be 'echoed in the public mind' as guilty or aSsOciAted with fully just because of race or class or nation.


If the current state of the world is an mass awakening of the existence of information being used by 2% to control 98%…as far as that goes ok if that happened then it happened that way in this timeline, thats one thing, but learning that the architecture is only 'self serving' and treats humanity as a lower species altogether and who are born by 'mistake' and associated with these monsters the children are knowingly intended by the 2% human directors to have nightmares to make them hate themselves…an inception of self division that is at most a psychological projection…also knowing at the same time that if the set of all information, INCLUDING WHAT WAS IN THE MINDS OF PEOPLE AS THEY ARE became split into a 2% - 98% and the 2% were using the information to get the public mind to echo self division logic as if it were some mystical insight into 'the blood' that by its own definition be limited to what 'believes' divides themself with most of the rest of humanity.


The totality of information must either be reciprocal unified open source, or at least not 98% echoing the speech of a 2% who are hunting the 98% like a game werewolf.


Knowingly wanting children to experience nightmares, knowingly trying to divide children from their parents 'echo targeted division selection' communication of the truth knowing that if parents want to speak truth to correct misunderstanding from deliberate lies from clownGoog to trick children into believing vicious lies, on purpose.


And anon also proj3cts but still knows that it is true that it is not necessary and not needed and should be abandoned as a world structure of a demonic 2% viewing 98% as nothing but a different lower subspecies, openly called cattle and sheep, a multi trillion wealth system heretofore also kept behind firewall.

Anon knows its better that the totality of all information if it is going to have a relatively tiny group of people possess what is fully known, the WHY, then that tiny minority must never view and treat 98% of the Earth's population of people as having 'different', 'lesser than I', flesh…flood the information set with their own mindset of having a 'natural' 'gift' of controlling a trusting humanity…as long as they can keep echoing the division hysteria orchestrated to perpetuate the firewall of information.

Anonymous ID: 8758bb March 2, 2024, 12:29 p.m. No.20506898   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dont haveto view self as superior to know its wrong to harm children IN ALL INSTANCES, and be fully independent from the division narrative solely designed to trick children into believing in lies as truths.


If all humanity as one species sent information down to next generations of children, and the pattern was viewing life and death as intended to be this way…and its been happening since any of us were born, becauxe it was designed to target all 'outsider' children…anon is one according to the same source itself introducing in praxis that very same bloodlines division/'evolution beyond the lower 'ignorant' animals knowingly harming the 'lower species' since all the births…if it could be stopped it should be stopped. Dont even have to believe in any story anyone says about anything, can learn what motivates why a person says what theysay and whose actions can be seen including following the money of who accept payment to speak lies, knowingly, 'trained at farms' voices…