Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 12:07 p.m. No.20506766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7001 >>7190 >>7448 >>7464 >>7472

Feds hide communications with Soros-funded groups on Title IX and gender identity proposals


Nineteen months later, Department of Education hasn't provided any records or timeline to fulfill Parents Defending Education FOIA request, suit says.


Parents aren't just fighting to uncover the influence of gender ideology activists in their children's public schools, but their influence with federal policymakers who stand to upend 50 years of policy on sex discrimination in schools by redefining it to include gender identity.


The Biden administration has neither turned over its communications with activists related to the development of its proposed Title IX regulations in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, nor given any meaningful update in more than a year and a half, a new FOIA lawsuit alleges.


Parents Defending Education said it asked the Department of Education in July 2022 for all correspondence matching certain keywords with the New Venture Fund, Governing for Impact and the National Student Legal Defense Network for the first 18 months of the administration.


The keywords were Title IX and its common regulatory abbreviation “TIX,” as well as LGBT, transgender, gender identity, gender-affirming and gender support plan.


The latter two refer to policies that treat students according to their stated gender identity, including preferred names and pronouns and access to opposite-sex bathrooms, locker rooms and sports, and related instructions for school staff on how to treat each student, including when to keep gender identity from their parents.


PDE President Nicole Neily said the feds' proposed rules "largely mirrored" GFI and NSLDN recommendations.


GFI received more than $17 million from progressive megadonor George Soros's Open Society Foundations through the nonprofit NVF and 501(c)(4) Sixteen Thirty Fund, both sponsored by dark-money powerhouse Arabella Advisors, from 2019 through 2021. NVF is Arabella's largest entity, according to Inside Philanthropy.


"Refusing to release these documents leaves Americans in the dark about the Department’s coordination with ideological activist groups as it contemplates sweeping regulatory actions that will affect millions of children across the country" and parental rights, PDE said in a statement Wednesday.


"Withholding these documents for fear of retaliation or pressure from third party groups may point to underlying unethical behavior in specific areas of the Department," the group said.

Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 12:08 p.m. No.20506771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7001 >>7073 >>7190 >>7448 >>7464 >>7472

Beyond Meat (fake meat) is facing lawsuits about it's ingredients


1) They overstate the protein content in their products by 30%. 2) They are falsely representing that their product is free of synthetic ingredients

Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 12:15 p.m. No.20506824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7188

"To destroy Evil you must first be aware of it and then expose it and by doing so you withdraw your Consent and Allowance from their Demonic game playing out on Earth. - Once you withdraw, you don't participate anymore with their Evil agenda and stories that fulfil their agenda, because they need Consent and Allowance to continue and if a high number of people withdrew their Consent and Allowance, their house of cards would fall."

Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.20506908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7001 >>7190 >>7448 >>7464 >>7472

Warning: Gates-Funded Factory Breeds 30 Million Mosquitoes a Week for Release in 11 Countries


Billionaire Bill Gates, who is funding the project, “assures” us it’s not a scene from a horror movie.


Inside a two-story brick building in Medellín, Colombia, scientists work in muggy labs breeding 30 million genetically modified mosquitoes weekly in labs.


They tend to the insects’ every need as they grow from larvae to pupae to adults, keeping the temperature just right and feeding them generous helpings of fishmeal, sugar, and, of course, blood. They are then released into the wild in 11 countries.


Billionaire Bill Gates, who is funding the project, assures us it’s not a scene from a horror movie.


“The factory is real. And the mosquitoes that are released do not terrorize the locals. They help save and improve millions of lives.”


Just as his ‘covid vaccines’ have ‘saved’ millions of lives or his’ previous vaccination projects have left thousands of women sterile in India and Kenya. Or even his Polio vaccines have caused paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions in Sub-Saharan Africa, Afghanistan, Congo, and the Philippines.


Wolbachia Bacterium

“The mosquitoes grown in this factory carry the Wolbachia bacterium, which prevents them from transmitting dengue and other viruses – including Zika, chikungunya, and yellow fever – to humans. By releasing them and breeding them with wild mosquitoes, they spread the bacteria, reducing virus transmission and protecting millions of people from disease,” claims Gates – just as his ‘covid vaccines’ have ‘reduced’ virus transmission and have ‘protected’ millions of people from disease.


Research conducted in Indonesia has shown that mosquitoes carrying Wolbachia offer 77 percent protection against dengue fever, and 86 percent are effective against hospitalization. Just like his ‘corona vaccines’ offer almost 100 percent ‘protection’ against covid and hospitalization.


11 countries

The mosquitoes are released in Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Australia, Fiji, Kiribati, New Caledonia, and Vanuatu – eleven countries total.


Gates plans to breed hundreds of millions of Wolbachia mosquitoes.


Did Gates and his researchers consider all the variables that are likely to occur with a program where a new vector of spreading a bacteria by an insect that bites humans and other animals and, in the process, injects that bacteria into them?


Where is the one, two, five, and ten-year report on the safety of such a program from a controlled environment?


What could possibly go wrong?

Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 12:36 p.m. No.20506931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6967 >>6972 >>7001 >>7190 >>7448 >>7464 >>7472

Missouri Attorney General Launches Lawsuit Against Planned Parenthood For Trafficking Minors - 'This Is The Beginning Of The End For Planned Parenthood'


On Thursday, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey (R-MO) announced an explosive new effort to hold Planned Parenthood accountable for several clear violations of law and decorum, including allegedly transporting minors across state lines without the consent of their parents. This comes after several states have taken decisive action to secure the unborn's right to life, as the radical left pushes forth a radical pro-abortion agenda, even up to the point of birth. We, the people, understand that the right to life is something fundamental, over and above the whims of a pro-abortion federal government that fails to value the dignity of its people.


"This is the beginning of the end for Planned Parenthood in the State of Missouri. What they conceal and conspire to do in the dark of night has now been uncovered. I am filing suit to ensure it never happens again," Bailey said in a statement. "As a father who held my daughter in my arms for the single hour of her life before she died, I know firsthand how important it is to protect life. Our children are the future. It is time to eradicate Planned Parenthood once and for all to end this pattern of abhorrent, unethical, and illegal behavior."


Bailey detailed his reasoning over Twitter, posting, "This lawsuit is the culmination of a multi-year campaign to drive Planned Parenthood from the State of Missouri because of its flagrant and intentional refusal to comply with state law." Bailey then listed some flagrant violations on the part of Planned Parenthood, violations that would surely shock the average American. These examples ranged from 2018 health code violations to a 2020 undercover Project Veritas video, in which an official admitted they would transport minors across state lines to receive abortions. "What Planned Parenthood conceals and conspires to do in the dark of night has now been uncovered. I am filing suit to ensure it never happens again," Bailey added.


The statement concluded by saying, "It is against the law in Missouri to intentionally cause, aid, or assist a minor to obtain an abortion without parental consent in another state. § 188.250, RSMo. Attorney General Bailey is seeking injunctive relief. Further investigation into Planned Parenthood is ongoing." These are powerful words from a fierce defender of life. After all, the right to life is the bedrock principle upon which all other rights are built. Our Creator has granted us freedom and autonomy, powers that flow from our life as His creatures. It is he who ultimately owns us not ourselves and he values and respects the dignity of the human person, made in His most adorable image.

Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 12:41 p.m. No.20506957   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Insanity Reigns as Democrat Senator Karen Berg Makes Case for Giving Pedophiles CHILD Sex Dolls

Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 1:01 p.m. No.20507012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7121 >>7135 >>7190 >>7448 >>7464 >>7472

US prescription market hamstrung for 9 days (so far) by ransomware attack


Nine days after a Russian-speaking ransomware syndicate took down the biggest US health care payment processor, pharmacies, health care providers, and patients were still scrambling to fill prescriptions for medicines, many of which are lifesaving.


On Thursday, UnitedHealth Group accused a notorious ransomware gang known both as AlphV and Black Cat of hacking its subsidiary Optum. Optum provides a nationwide network called Change Healthcare, which allows health care providers to manage customer payments and insurance claims. With no easy way for pharmacies to calculate what costs were covered by insurance companies, many had to turn to alternative services or offline methods.


The most serious incident of its kind


Optum first disclosed on February 21 that its services were down as a result of a “cyber security issue.” Its service has been hamstrung ever since. Shortly before this post went live on Ars, Optum said it had restored Change Healthcare services.


“Working with technology and business partners, we have successfully completed testing with vendors and multiple retail pharmacy partners for the impacted transaction types,” an update said. “As a result, we have enabled this service for all customers effective 1 pm CT, Friday, March 1, 2024.”


AlphV is one of many syndicates that operates under a ransomware-as-a-service model, meaning affiliates do the actual hacking of victims and then use the AlphV ransomware and infrastructure to encrypt files and negotiate a ransom. The parties then share the proceeds.


So the attack is 'Russian speaking' so is it Mossad or CIA or both staging this FF?

Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 2:05 p.m. No.20507257   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7271 >>7448 >>7464 >>7472

Watch: MSNBC Legal Analyst Calls For 'Regulation' Of Disinformation As Trust In Corporate Media Collapses


Keep in mind that this is the same crew of people who recently asserted that Trump's 20 point primary victory over Nikki Haley in her home state of South Carolina is somehow a "disaster" for the Trump campaign. However, if we set aside the obvious anti-Trump bias for a moment, the deeper motivations of the above discussion become clear.


Why have Americans strayed away from the corporate media? The bottom line is that the media is no longer a center for objective journalism (and maybe it never was), it is a disinformation machine. The MSNBC segment above engages in disinformation in a number of ways.


For example, they attempt to plant unconscious associations between genocidal dictators and Donald Trump in the minds of their audience. They cite the "kidnapping conspiracy" case involving Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer as an example of public radicalization, but fail to mention that this event was utterly exposed as coordinated and controlled by the FBI. McQuade suggests only right-wing media as a source of "disinformation" while ignoring the endless trespasses and lies perpetuated by the left-wing media.


The analyst goes on to insult the American public by claiming they need to "get out of their basements" and off the internet to find the facts. In other words, they need to watch corporate media again and stay away from any alternative sources. MSNBC laments the problem of the public being separated and limited to "news bubbles," but this is a misrepresentation of what is really happening.

Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 2:09 p.m. No.20507281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7448 >>7464 >>7472

“Joe, You’re Fired, Get Out of Here!” – President Trump Blasts Old Joe at “Get Out the Vote Rally” in Greensboro, North Carolina


“You’re fired Joe, you’ve done a horrible job, you have done the worst job of any President in history. Get the hell out Joe!” Trump said.

Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 2:18 p.m. No.20507332   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ukrainian behind over 100 UK suicide deaths – BBC


A Kiev resident has reportedly established an “express” poison supply service to those willing to end their lives around the world


Leonid Zakutenko, a resident of Kiev, has been revealed by Britain's state broadcaster the BBC to be a major poison supplier following a two-year investigation. The Ukrainian is reportedly active on a pro-suicide online platform and has been linked to at least 130 deaths in Britain alone.


The journalists discovered the first traces of Zakutenko’s purported activities when they saw frequent mentions of a “Ukraine supplier” on a notorious online forum promoting suicide, which had tens of thousands of users from all over the world. The reporters then traced what they claimed were his online store, email address, and PayPal account, getting data on his identity.


In January 2022, BBC reporters contacted the man online, posing as a potential buyer, and he quickly confirmed that he could supply a chemical frequently used by those willing to take their own lives. However, when hostilities between Ukraine and Russia began in February 2022, they assumed that Zakutenko would no longer be able to run his business.


In May 2023, they decided to contact him again when another poison dealer was arrested in Canada. At that time, Zakutenko reportedly boasted that his business had grown amid the conflict, and he was sending “five parcels a week” to the UK alone, and was now offering “express” service to those willing to pay extra.


In January 2024, the journalists sought to meet the man in person through a Ukrainian fixer. In Ukraine, Zakutenko was an AirBnB “superhost” and initially agreed to meet his potential ‘poison buyers’ under the pretext of showing them an apartment for rent, according to the broadcaster.


However, the suspected dealer changed his plans at the last moment, and the meeting never took place. The BBC reporters still managed to track him down by ordering poison delivery online and intercepted him on his way out of a Kiev post office, where he was sending the agreed-upon parcel together with at least 14 other packages to various addresses around the world.


When confronted by the BBC in person, Zakutenko denied his involvement in any poison-selling activities, calling the accusations “a lie.” The broadcaster then alerted the British and Ukrainian authorities about the man’s alleged activities and the forum he had been active on.


The forum was still up as of Saturday, the BBC said. It remains unclear if any measures have been taken by either British or Ukrainian authorities against the suspect. According to the BBC, the new Online Safety Act allowed the British regulator Ofcom to take down the pro-suicide website, but the watchdog was reportedly still working on a way to implement the legislation, and any enforcement action was unlikely to happen for many months.

Anonymous ID: b2aeaa March 2, 2024, 2:32 p.m. No.20507388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7448 >>7464 >>7472

Senior public servant gravy train: all profit and no accountability


Ms Stephanie Foster was appointed acting Secretary of Home Affairs on 25 September after Michael Pezzullo was stood aside and a Public Service Commission investigation commenced into his highly inflammatory text message exchanges with Liberal Party power broker Scott Briggs.


At the time, Ms Foster was the associate secretary of immigration within Home Affairs.


Two months later, on 28 November she was appointment to the full role and a $928K salary.


It was not even a competitive appointment. Whilst the Prime Minister was advised of options to appoint a secretary, he chose a ‘direct approach to a single preferred candidate’ noting Minister for Home Affairs, Clare O’Neil MP, preferred Ms Foster be directly appointed.


Without competition, without testing to see if there was a better candidate, Ms Foster was given an almost million-dollar salary, access to an elite gravy train when she eventually retires, and an almost certain Order of Australia.


Fat cat salaries

Secretaries of Federal departments are paid somewhere between $830K and $977K.


These are extraordinary amounts given the Prime Minister receives $587K, Cabinet Ministers receive $388K, and Senators and MPs receive 225K.


Their salaries are nothing short of outrageous given those are public service positions, with emphasis on the words ‘public service’. It’s not supposed to be about profit.


It’s not as though these positions are ones where an approach to the market is made to get the best of the best, in almost all cases, those that are selected for these positions are simply promoted from within the public service, where they’ve spent most of their lives avoiding any career advancement risk and just picking up a pay packet from the taxpayer every fortnight.


And it’s not as though these positions are where accountability is an ever-present factor in the conduct of duties. Public services, State and Federal, are accountability voids. When a public program blows out by billions, no-one is held to account. Promotion often follows. The ‘Peter Principle‘ of promotion upwards to an employee’s level of incompetence, and indeed well beyond that, is deeply embedded across Australian Governments.


Sitting beneath the Secretaries are approximately 3000 Senior Executive Service personnel In 2002 the base salary received was between $186K and $253K for Band 1, between $253K and $327K for Band 2, and between $339K and $484K for Band 3.