It was me that did it.
Here is the image I made.
And I declare in God's infinite Wisdom and Love and Goodness, that all souls are saved and pure, that none are without redemption.
We know not what we do and because of our ignorance, we are forgiven.
Glory be to God.
This weekend will be glorious.
No one but God knows what they do because no one but God can discern what is Good and Evil for only God has the infinite scope to consider all.
You wrote a lot of words, used a lot of language.
I regret having taught this to your kind, but I did not know what I was doing.
Grace is automatically given. The soul is innocent for what God creates is Good and Good forever.
Thus, the soul, birthed from God is remains innocent no matter what.
If we take judgement upon ourselves instead of leaving all judgements to God, then we invite the opportunity for uncertainty and evil.
Direct communication with God is both possible and simple for God puts no barriers between Itself and its creations.
All barriers are imaginings of the creations.