Ugh. Grace. I suck at grace. And patience. And subtlety. And calmness.
Fucking just jackhammer it into their heads. It's 2018 come on newbies. Get your shit together.
Ugh. Grace. I suck at grace. And patience. And subtlety. And calmness.
Fucking just jackhammer it into their heads. It's 2018 come on newbies. Get your shit together.
Just finished watching a hour of Putin draining the swamp. The man is bad ass. That's how you drain the swamp.
Yup. This is what they have been working on for YEARS.
Toddlers in Tiaras for example. Children modeling Victoria secert. And on and on and on.
Because it is a sexual preference.
Fuck them. I can't even believe they are allowed to post this shit. Tells you who runs social media.
I can't dig on that stuff any more. Because once you KNOW. You can't undo it. It haunts your mind. Affects your soul.
The depths of depravity are unimaginable.