Anonymous ID: 61bed3 March 3, 2024, 12:44 p.m. No.20512080   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jews support affirmative action MORE when told it is specifically harming Whites (aka Europeans):


Few people are aware of the 2023 poll that showed nearly half of America's Black population does not agree with the statement “It's okay to be White.”


But even fewer know that, While Black support for Affirmative Action actually decreases when told it will specifically harm Whites, Jewish support for Affirmative Action actually increases when told it will specifically harm Whites.


That seems fairly… insane, no?


Jews also reject the preservation of America's White European heritage more strongly than any other racial or ethnic group.


Such explosively eye-opening data points - such facts of reality - should be widely spotlit and debated. Instead, they're ignored, censored, and scrubbed from the internet.


Working hand-in-hand with Big Tech's perverse censorship regime is Con Inc's Fake Right infotainment complex, which exists to studiously avoid this most crucial information and redirect attention back into a manufactured Red vs Blue pro wrestling performance that profits from our ignorance and funds the very War On White People that the Fake Right performatively distracts from.


Pattern recognition is a thought crime unless it can be applied negatively against White people.


When data like that below is used to evidence an obvious pattern of Anti-White disdain among a particular subset of people, America's premier peddlers of speech censorship - the ADL - arrive to label you a Hate Criminal™ and have you deplatformed for making factual observations.


They then do the same to anyone who points out that the ADL itself is a Jewish NGO that hates White people, much like their bedfellows at the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) - the Jewish NGO playing a leading role in the demographic destruction of White nations.


It's almost like the behavior of these two hugely powerful Jewish organizations reinforces patterns one might begin to recognize from the attached polling data - patterns they want you punished for noticing.


And that's what you must understand:


You're not wrong for noticing observably true things…


You're punished for noticing the truth.