Anonymous ID: d99230 March 3, 2024, 10:17 a.m. No.20511582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1598 >>1676 >>1934 >>2062



They tried their best, but they couldn‘t mask the effectiveness of Ivermectin against Covid.


❌They failed to combine the Ivermectin with Zinc & Doxycycline - when they knew it was this combination that was being recommended in all published Ivermectin protocols


❌They delayed the start of treatment, enrolling patients in the trial up to 14 days after the onset of symptoms - when they knew that extensive research shows that early antiviral treatment is critical and the published protocols call for treatment to be started "immediately" after first symptoms.


❌They told patients to take Ivermectin on an empty stomach - when they should have known that the published science shows this significantly diminishes its effectiveness and that all the published protocols recommend Ivermectin be taken with food.


❌They only administered the Ivermectin for just 3 days - when the published protocols call for it be administered for 5 days and extended to 30 days in case of continued symptoms.


And yet despite these tricks and many others, they still couldn’t hide Ivermectin’s effectiveness, with their results showing those taking Ivermectin had a


✅28% improvement in recovery at 3, 6 & 12 months

✅23% improvement in an early sustained recovery

✅23% improvement in reducing muscle ache

✅22% improvement in reducing Fever

✅21% improvement in alleviating headaches

✅17% improvement in alleviating abdominal pain

✅16% improvement in alleviating coughs

✅16% improvement in the alleviation of all symptoms

✅13% improvement in first reported recovery


And further, patients in the ivermectin group were also found to had significantly better health one year later.


We are only left to speculate how much more improvement would have occurred if this corrupted trial started treatment immediately, extended treatment beyond the 3 days and combined the Ivermectin with Zinc & Doxycycline (and Vitamin D, and Betadine gargles)


Yet bizarrely (but not unexpected given this study was designed to fail) the authors conclude nothing to see here and give a conclusion that is contrary to evidence found.


But as always follow the money - there’s a $100 billion market in Ivermectin’s patented Big Pharma competitors ; Molnupirvir and Paxlovid. And if the truth is acknowledged about Ivermectin its all over for Molnupirvir and Paxlovid.


To design and carry out a medical study designed to fail is a crime against humanity. The authors of this study should be amongst the first in the docks at Nuremberg 2.0


The effectiveness of Ivermectin is only further confirmed by this study.


Further reading :


Study :


4:03 AM · Mar 2, 2024










