Anonymous ID: 43e576 July 5, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.2052004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2047 >>2080 >>2216 >>2288

>>2051453 (Original Thread, previous bread)


This picture, and this Q post… I have this very odd feeling that it's not meant for us.


Q knows that there are bad actors watching this board.

Q sometimes posts things directed at them, that we have will NEVER be able to figure out because we are lacking in vital information that will connect the proper dots.

Q also knows that when these bad actors see these things, they will go "Oh shit, how the hell does he have that information?"


Q uses these messages to put the fear of god in them… possibly to act as leverage to get certain bad actors to "come clean" (as in, flip)…


I have a feeling that the particular bad actor in the image is monitoring this board and knows he's just been outed.


OUR job is not to identify the person… but to understand the hidden strategy behind the posting of the message in the first place.


So… WHO this person is, is not nearly as important as WHY the pic was posted.


What's going on here… we have a place in HK where there's this Kindergarten, where known child sex acts were taking place… and we have the subject of the photo walking towards it, or near it?


This was a sting, or a photo from an investigation, where the subject of the photo was caught going to this place… SO MUCH FUCKING TIME has been spent trying to ID the subject, that people aren't taking the time, or putting their efforts, towards reading the "story" going on in the photo… the story BEHIND the photo.




We know the (((WHERE)))… that was easy.


We know the (((WHEN))), roughly… prior to the time that the Kindergarten was closed down in that investigation… we can get a time range from archived google photos and street views…


But the (((WHO))) part? Everyone's asking the WRONG QUESTION… the "who" part is not about who is being photographed!


WHO took the photo?


THAT is the proper question!


To answer that, ask… WHAT PURPOSE could such a photo serve to accomplish?

WHY was the photo taken?


HOW did the person taking the photo know to be there to take the photo, and how did they know it would be important?


WHY did they save that photo for later?


NONE of these questions have been answered by the autists here, because we're all trying way too hard to answer the WRONG QUESTION!


Do I have any of the answers? I have SUGGESTIONS and SUPPOSITION… but my purpose here is to ask the questions to redirect the weaponized autistic energy in the right direction!


Let's get on it, folks! I will be posting this in each fucking bread, to get the discussion going in THE PROPER DIRECTION… We're gonna make this a common thread in each bread until we get some fucking satisfactory answers to THESE questions!


Who's with me?



My speculation:

The subject of the photo is being photographed going towards that Kindergarten. It is a verification that he was a patron of that place, and is being used as blackmail material, or to tell that specific person "we know what you did, and here's the proof that we know."


So WHO took the photo?

  • It looks like it's taken from a cab… but not from a dashcam… NOT LIKELY to be an intercepted photo from some random surveilance device… No, the person IN the car was purposely there to track and photograph the subject.


So this was a Human Intel operation… Maybe done by CIA?


If that's the case, how did Q get hits hands on it? Maybe NSA intercepted its transmission?


This is the line of thinking we need to be pursuing, anons…

Anonymous ID: 43e576 July 5, 2018, 9:37 p.m. No.2052138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2153 >>2475


WTF is wrong with you?


The point of the post was not about the Kindergarten being shut down, the point was to stop asking WHO THE FUCK was in the photo, but ask DIFFERENT FUCKING QUESTIONS, you retarded mongoloid!


WHY was the photo taken?

WHO took the photo?

WHY is the photo relevant?

WHEN was it taken?

WHAT purpose could the photo serve?

WHY is Q showing it to us?


THOSE are far better questions than the nigh-unanswerable question of "who is this balding dude that no one can figure out after 2 days of trying HUR DURRRR"…


I mean, what a boring fucking question, and what a waste of everyone's time!


The post was FUCKING NOTABLE because it's redirecting autistic energy in other directions instead of down a dead end meaningless path!


Fuck's sake… some of you are fucking STUPID!

Anonymous ID: 43e576 July 5, 2018, 9:39 p.m. No.2052160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2639


Please realize that "no sauce for an incidental comment not related to the main thrust of the post" is not a reason to strike it from the notables, and DEFINITELY not a reason to IP ban me from the board…


That Anon missed the fucking point entirely… and is acting all high and mighty like he knows shit when it was something over his capability to comprehend…

Anonymous ID: 43e576 July 5, 2018, 9:45 p.m. No.2052216   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just had a rather striking thought…


"Who do you see" was the question.


It was not "who do you see in the photograph"… just "who do you see"?


Thinking differently…


I see the Clowns In America…


I see a human intelligence operation being conducted, in a foreign country… which is C_A…


It's not

"Who do you see" IN this picture…

"Who do you see" BECAUSE of this picture…


"Who do you see" TAKING this picture?

Anonymous ID: 43e576 July 5, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.2052263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2304


I'm in an odd "no man's land" here it seems.


I believe 100% that Q is legit.

I also believe that the pic posted was not actually of AF1, but an image manipulation of a stock photo.


I don't think Q deceived us… but I also don't trust myself to 100% understand what Q is up to at any given point.


I also believe 100% that we are meant to question everything, including Q… use our own independent minds… dig deeper whenever we find a contradiction…


"Whenever you find a contradiction, check your premises, and you will find one of them to be wrong."

Anonymous ID: 43e576 July 5, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.2052277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2341


Well, I admit, I'm a bit late to the party about the whole Kindergarten thing… Last I heard there was talk about it being a front for child sex… was that disproved when I was at work today?

Anonymous ID: 43e576 July 5, 2018, 9:57 p.m. No.2052359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2409 >>2686


never bow to anon pressure to stop following tracks down the path, dude…


This is actually quite good… I have long speculated that Snowden did not make it to Russia, and we had a Q drop from before about Snowden (I think?)… God I can't remember where I saw it… MAYBE it was a Q drop?


Anyway, the thinking is like this: Why would Snowden release the info he had prior to being safe? Why would he release it when in HK, if that was not his final destination? Maybe the "he fled to Russia" thing was all a ruse to throw the dogs off the scent?


So yeah, if we can find that particular nugget to maybe validate Snowden being in HK… maybe that's a 2nd leg of evidence on which to reset the conclusion of it being Snowden in the picture…


But it also begs the question of… WHY? Why is it relevant? Why did Q post it NOW? Why in the context of our current situation?

Anonymous ID: 43e576 July 5, 2018, 10:06 p.m. No.2052446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2483 >>2488 >>2540 >>2639


Something I think you fail to realize, anon, is that I am… you are… we all are… merely ants in this giant intellectual army.


I carry a bit of the load, but I share that load with everyone else. Sometimes I hit a wall, but because I'm AT the wall, other ants are able to get over it by climbing over me and my efforts, to get past that wall…


This is a hive mind operation… this is a TEAM event, not an individual one.


I posted what I did to redirect the flow of the ants. I can't do it alone. YOU can't do it alone. You asking me to rewrite my post to make it more worthy of being notable misses this entire fucking point.


It's a starting point… not a final thesis. It's not about my ego… it's about getting things right.


If I'm wrong, correct it. Move the mass of ants FORWARD… don't block the path… redirect it… nudge it in the right direction.


Be an ant in the swarm… not the boot that smashes from above.