Anonymous ID: 6e516d July 5, 2018, 9:49 p.m. No.2052271   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2334 >>2376 >>2430 >>2476


>This is why MAGA truly will be wonderous. Can you imagine a nation full of people who are no longer in debt? Who are happy to work, because they can finally afford the things in life that bring them happiness? The current system is designed to keep us in debt up to our eyeballs. It's slavery. NESARA frees all of us.

Yea, that would be miraculous. Having to work 9-5 till 65 just to pay off usury on usury on usury is soul crushing. There is more to life than just paying interest rates to the bankers. And exactly what do the bankers do anyways…not like they actually go out and do anything creative or resembling real work (well many of them, not all) so it is a very confusing system. So basically someone started out with a lot of money or conned/worked their way into a lot of money and now you have to pay usury to some of these guys for the rest of your life or close to it.


How exactly does that benefit the majority of Americans or America itself?


Oh by the way, yeah…. I forgot to mention that God severely looks down on these banking, lending, high interest rate loans and other financial manipulation shenanigans also referred to as usury. Maybe that's why some of you can't sleep at night. Try putting in a days worth of honest labor for once.

Anonymous ID: 6e516d July 5, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.2052640   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2693


>They’re not even lending real money either.

Which makes it even worse. Since there is no requirement for physical backing of currency banks and other lenders can be lending the same $100,000 to several different people at once. Which is what drives me nuts once you really start thinking about it. If you are a smart asshole without much of a moral backbone you can literally wipe the deck and make money out of thin air. You can just make up money if you have the funds already and the tools necessary to do so.