Anonymous ID: 79b7f6 July 5, 2018, 10:24 p.m. No.2052639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2666




Come on man, this drama queen muh notable shit needs to be dialed way back. Bakers have no special powers to make your ideas into something people read and automatically act on, we’re just anons like you. Not every baker will have the same autism area that you idea-men or graphics fags have, and shills post shit like that all the time to trick bakers and then bully them with EMOTIONAL ARGUMENTS into putting them in notes to deligitimize Q. This is no way to run a legit organization people.


Bakers are EDITORS. Our job is to edit contributions into vetted news items, not to “promote” or to “censor.” You are free to post your ideas as many times as you like without our permission or interference from bakers. If you actually want people to read and consider your posts, present them in a measured, professional fashion. Barking orders at autists as though you yourself are POTUS or Q or their boss is off base. Qresearch autists here do fuck all what anyone TELLS them to do, they do what they feel INSPIRED to do. So inspire them. You. Yourself. Baker can’t make your post into autist inspiration, that’s YOUR job.


And hey, sometimes you’re the only one to see a thing, even in a room full of autists. You may have to go some stretches alone. We all have. We’re all on edge from having worked hard for months straight I realize, but we also have to take a step back and get perspective sometimes. Be patient. Be humble. Take the feedback from your missteps then get back out there and try again. Strive to be better, to serve even more selflessly and effectively. That’s what it means to be a patriot.