Anonymous ID: de573f July 5, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.2052052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2124

Trump brought this up today at the rally, asked what does it mean:


A Thousand Points of Light


Thomas Wolfe used the saying in his 1939 book "You Can't Go Home Again", to describe the Spirit of America. Seems to be the first time documented. Some wonder if he had been a Freemason and if that is where it came from. Elizabeth Enright used it in her book "Then There Were Five" in 1944, and C.S. Lewis in 1955 with his book "The Magicians Nephew".


The phrase was popularized by H.W. Bush. He used the saying in a speech when accepting the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in 1988. He likened America's clubs and volunteer organizations to "a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky." Then again, near the end he said "Keep America moving forward, always forward for a better America, for an endless enduring dream and a thousand points of light.




There's that forward again. Hussein's campaign slogan "Forward" and MSNBC's "Lean Forward" says a lot about them. Forward comes from European Marxism, move forward past capitalism and into Socialism and Communism.




Back to thousand points of light. Some say the symbolic meaning was referring to the body of initiates of the Illuminati. The average person heard the outward appearance of the meaning of these statements, while initiates around the world smiled to themselves as they understood the inside meaning.

Fritz Springmeier said there was a secret castle near Muno in Belgium that was/is a center of the occult. There is a cathedral inside of the castle that has a dome with 1,000 lights. Other names for the castle are Chateau des Amerois", "Mother of Darkness Castle", and "Castle of Kings". Sounds like Prince Phillippe, the father of King Albert I, was the first owner of this castle. It also has grounds called Muno Forest which is known for hunting…eek. Fritz said there was "Monarch programming" for the children that was happening there as well.

In a 2001 book about the Dutroux Affair, page 259 mentions Amerois Castle as a place where satanic ritual parties with child sacrifices allegedly took place. More weird/sick happenings, don't know if we should look into this more or not?