Anonymous ID: e23306 July 5, 2018, 9:45 p.m. No.2052215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2259 >>2263

Does anybody else think it's fucked up that Q deceived us with the photos? And why are people still in denial of this? Are you just addicted the excitement of impending glory like every other cult is?


"KYS concernfag"

"Go back to reddit"

"fuck off shill"

"How much are they paying you"


Predictable retorts from predictable followers. That's the goal of this psyop (if it is one) to be able to turn political opposition into a predictable movement. Just like a rat using a laser pointer to distract the cat who would eat him.


So much intelligence and strength gone down the shitter by people who are taking Q too seriously. As he lies in our face.


Oh well


You can never break up your friend's dysfunctional relationship, especially if you can see the red flags and he cant. He's head over heals for her, and you're all like "bro, is that YOUR jizz on her dress?"

Anonymous ID: e23306 July 5, 2018, 9:48 p.m. No.2052261   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2306

If Q is a psyop, and says "we have it all" Doesn't part of you just want to sit back and relax?


What if Q is a psyop used to keep us occupied, while still feeling involved, but also immobilized under the false belief that "everything is under control"


That way they can destroy the fucking servers without us trying to hack into them?

Anonymous ID: e23306 July 5, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.2052281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2300



What if it's a psyop used to keep us under control while they figure out what to do with the evidence? Hiding in plain sight?


What if our belief that "Q has it all" or "we have it all" is what's secretly debilitating us from actually taking action?

Anonymous ID: e23306 July 5, 2018, 9:52 p.m. No.2052304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2323



The humility in your statement is admirable. And makes me feel a little more optimistic. If only other anons had the courage and wisdom to balance two realities in their head at the same time.

Anonymous ID: e23306 July 5, 2018, 10 p.m. No.2052382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2567



Right, but let's say. That spreading the word isn't all that we need to do.


You take the evidence, crumbs, etc, make a convincing argument about Q being real. All the while, the real evidence is being destroyed, deleted, as the cabal buries all of their skeletons. That way, when the skeletons are finally buried, they can hire a guy (some soyboy liberal dork, a literal shill) to come out claiming to be Q. The cabal has money, so they can fake everything, could buy out 8 chan if they wanted to, etc. All the while, Discrediting Q supporters, the right, and freedom. Making us look crazy for even thinking that, even though we've been collecting evidence.


Even though it has been true, the cabal is really that shitty, they can use the reality of their crimes to make us look crazy after cleaning up, and killing off the evidence of their own crimes. Not draining the swamp, but erasing their own swamp.


That way, us spreading word, will just destroy our credibility once the pancake flips.


That way they can marginalize us even further. Cut us off from social media completely (all of those #Qanon posts anyone?). And eventually rationalize herding us onto trains for the white genocide (too far?)


That's why we should do what we can to get to the bottom of this.


We should be reaching out non stop to the president to get any kind of confirmation we can get.


Please please please, give me your thoughts anons. Am I crazy?