Anonymous ID: f40791 July 5, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.2052317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2359

>>2051892 lb


The discussion has been about the wrong person. Agreed it's too grainy to positive ID, but look at the rest of the clues given with the photo. Q named the photo UNITED HK INDEN T3902. So, "R"'s clues go along with that. There absolutely is a United flight 3902. The pic looks like a woman with same hair color, same length and wears it all over one shoulder just like Snowdens girlfriend. Since Snowden's name was also in the clue and Lindsay is suppose to now be living with Snowden in Russia, why is it so hard to believe it could be her? We know the pic was prior to 2017. We also had many clues that Snowden was in HK instead of Russia. Would there be a reason Lindsay and/or Snowden came back to the US?

These are my questions. If you or other anons don't think it's relevant, I'll stop posting about it.

Anonymous ID: f40791 July 5, 2018, 10:29 p.m. No.2052686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2700 >>2713



Why it's being posted or reposted now is more than likely a message sent to (((them))). But thinking something will be coming up with twitter soon. When Q asked why he would release the info before going to he final destination, he asked who snowden was actually working for. We never really pinned that down. But based on the amount of clues tying jack and snowden together, I would speculate Jack. Anyway, took time to go thru crumbs. I don't know that we have enough information to track Snowden in 2013. Not sure it even matters at this point. More relevant is why bring it all up now.


In Jan, first time he's mentioned by Q. Stating it's almost time. Then…


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.📁

SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>Clowns In America.




In Feb, remember the exploding window in HongKong? Snowden was also brought up in that time frame. We believed he was the target going into that building.

More trolling asking if he was cold. Then:

>James Dolan. Dead suicide

>Aaron swartz. Dead suicide

>Kevin Paulson. Turned over securedrop to Freedom of the Press

John Perry Barlow - 187 post name [DROP].


You are now a liability.



on FEb 18th Q said he's not in Russia


Q !UW.yye1fxo No.104 📁

Feb 18 2018 20:41:03 (EST)








Now for the time frame, here's the clue. Sometime in 2013.

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4bebe1 No.545335 📁

Mar 4 2018 00:48:04 (EST)

Expand your thinking.

Who leaked Vault7 to WL?

Who returned fire?

OP Name: Fiddler


Mission 1: Infiltrate

Mission 2: Centralize

Mission 3: Secure

Mission 4: Expose to HARM


(WH interference)

(WH directive)

Mission 5: Russia LINK

(2013 timeline of events)




Mission 6: Fiddler Ghost-PRIME

Mission 7: CLAS

Mission 8: Whistle Blower traps - jobs C-3567k

Mission 9: Censorship

CLAS +relay



Mar 7 we get this clue. See pic. The other HK pic. We're also asked to figure out how he cleared customs and why he did it after his big reveal. More timelines. Then in April Q said to testify and drop. Many, many crumbs put @Jack and @Snowden together.