Anonymous ID: 588359 July 5, 2018, 11 p.m. No.2052837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2889 >>3439

>>2052664 (previous bread)

Older than that. Sumerian...and

older than THAT.


Look into Rh negative blood.


660 variety of simians have Rh Positive blood. RH Neg ain't related.


All US Presidents Trump (A-), Obama (AB-), Clinton (AB-), Bush (A-), British royals (O-)


They all carry their own blood supply in the Beast (limo) because if they got Rh+ blood as a transfusion, their blood would turn into the consistency of mucus and be dead in 10-15 minutes. 85% of the planet Rh Pos, 15% Rh Neg. Pharaonic bloodline, but older than that.


RH Neg has more copper. Rh Pos more iron. Rh Pos blood carries more oxygen. Rh Neg carries more CO2.


Rh Neg many have an extra rib (God created Eve from a Adam's rib)


Rh Neg have an extra vertebrae. Rh Pos have 33 vertebrae. (33rd degree Freemason?) Many Rh Neg have 34 vertebrae.


RH Neg are resistant, if not immune to AIDS, Ebola, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Pneumococcal diseases (airborne), +


RH Neg more sensitive to electromagnetic fields.


Look at the Basques and Celts. Language and blood. Sea People.