Anonymous ID: 5a2d51 July 5, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.2053199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3308

Since the fake news won't ask the question., we should do it! We're the real news, now! Photo bomb with the question: WHO (or what)IS Q?, everywhere you go! Carry a folded up sign and whip it out, whenever someone is taking any kind of photo or video. I don't care if it's a family picnic that's going to be posted on fb, or if it's someone filming an interview at a bakery, at the scene of a road closure, at the county fair…anywhere there's a camera or a microphone, we need to ask about Q! We don't have to go to the WH! Did we forget how to play?

Anonymous ID: 5a2d51 July 6, 2018, 12:19 a.m. No.2053362   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I was watching the analysis of President Trump's EO issued Jan 21st, 2018, mostly regarding the seizure of assets by those connected or involved in human rights abuses or human trafficking but other varieties of corruption, too. Think RICOact. http://


What an incredible piece of history, this EO. I like to share this video with the people who think that nothing is happening, as far as prosecutions. The EO annex lists the names of people, foundations and corporations who have had their assets frozen, because of involvement in human rights violations. Dan Gertler, I'm telling you, his name is going to surface, maybe he's part of "saving the best for last"? The CF is on the list, Bill and Mel Gates and Liz Claiborne *whose company was either sold or taken over by Kate Spade's co…I think. Anyway, I was doing some research on the listed foundations and this one stuck out like a sore on slick willy's forehead. The Little Brinks foundation. They'll take donations "in any shape or form", on the streets of Cape Town. This picture is weird, too. Seriously, why not show the pictures of those who are being helped? I don't know. They're suspect and they're involved with CF and Gertler and their assets have been frozen. I don't know how far this goes.



Anonymous ID: 5a2d51 July 6, 2018, 12:49 a.m. No.2053503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This was the picture that was supposed to go with Little Brinks. Sorry. Weird, though. Why show a photo like this? The poor kid looks like he's in an abandoned kennel. Damn, Q. It's hard to sleep, sometimes.