Anonymous ID: b70687 July 5, 2018, 11:26 p.m. No.2053024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3037


I swear to god how the fuck did we just get left hooked and get to a universe where fucking nigger black hat bot gets shit right

How much of a cancer is AFLB holy shit

Anonymous ID: b70687 July 6, 2018, 12:25 a.m. No.2053397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3402


nigga there are 4-6% and this is one of those fucking spics that either needs to get fucking deported (preferable with face smashed in or legs chopped off), or just shot/beaten to death by appropriate /ourguys/ for not knowing its place.


Fucking pussy ass beta spic faggot can't do hard shit but yall snowflakes moralize like this is a game.


All the talks of unity made you forget we are dealing with ENEMIES within that 4-6% and I guarantee we have fucking real animals in the hoods that just needs to get the fuck off this earth, permanently.


Fucking snowflakes in here wtf Q research needs the original fire back even a little this is getting sick.


Fuck I need to get back into the hoods and sharpen myself up a bit this is getting soft.


WE. HAVE. ENEMIES within that 4-6%. Get that through to your head.

Anonymous ID: b70687 July 6, 2018, 1:15 a.m. No.2053605   🗄️.is 🔗kun


At some point in the future (perhaps within second term of POTUS in office), people are going to realize we will need "boots on the ground" in various places to get real personal with these fucking punks, niggers spics, what have you.


You can moralize and dream about MAGA in here all you want while Q team and POTUS does all the heavy lifting, but the racial hostility and fucking uppity attitude of these punk ass scum will need a personal touch so to speak.


You can't do full MAGA with a foreign/external racial asset that is going to try to fuck with you no matter what. Forget "fair" - the only "fair" for fucking spics and nigs and whatnot in this case in a fucking foot on the throat and utter breaking/humiliation. If you think you can just hold hands and sing kumbayaa with these elements you are cucked to shit.


YOU are the master and soverign of this country - that dynamic exists in any country in existence. You can't do that if you got other races or hostile cunts going around making light of you, period.


You are in charge. If you can't do it, your kids will have to. No kicking the can down the road this time.


Make America GREAT AGAIN, for REALS this time