Anonymous ID: b8714b July 6, 2018, 12:18 a.m. No.2053356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3384 >>3411

>>2052613 lb


Not at all

None of them are Jewish

Not even the Rothschilds

They masquerade

As Catholic, or Jew, or Dutch Reformed or Lutheran or Muslim

For them, these religions are just another mask

Just another Jedi mind trick used

To con the sheep

And to fleece them

You little people are here to serve

The Illuminati

To provide food when they are hungry

Because the Illuminati are not just

A thousand year old cult of con artists

They are vampires who rule the world

Now you are smiling,

But the Illuminati do drink blood

And do eat dead babies

And do even kill their sacrifices

By sucking the warm blood from their screaming bodies

They are bisexual pedophiles

They are psychopaths

They have discovered

That being the most revolting and repulsive creatures on earth

Makes them invisible to most people

And allows them to control us

Because we are only stupid sheep

With no awareness

Who could ever imagine that some day

The sheep would look up



P.S. maybe John Brunner could imagine it, but he was psychic

Anonymous ID: b8714b July 6, 2018, 12:32 a.m. No.2053439   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Almost always

A discussion about RH negative blood

Is nonsense science

There is no such thing as Rh negative blood

There is about 30 differences in the surfaces of red blood cells

That may or may not be relevant in using blood from one person in another

Rh - is a 19th century content that is now only useful

In preventing certain people from mating

Due to difficulties in giving live birth


Humans almost always have 33 vertebrae

The occasional 34th vertebra is not related to blood type


When Illuminati talk about blood

And they are not referring to their vampire habit of drinking it

They are really talking about genetic characteristics

And their breeding program.

It is not about the stuff in your veins

It is about the entire genetic makeup

And most especially the brain

Because the Illuminati mental techniques

Work better in certain people

Whose brain structure is more suitable

Think MK Ultra

Not red liquid.

Anonymous ID: b8714b July 6, 2018, 12:35 a.m. No.2053451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3479 >>3557



If you quess a post number for the bread

You often get a 404

And it has a tip for fixing a stuck bread

Could a variation of that tip work on the catalog?


Eventually I realized that adding 751, and then guessing numbers,

Might be a better guessing strategy

And so I found this bread.

Anonymous ID: b8714b July 6, 2018, 12:42 a.m. No.2053480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3488



Is this something you would have access to?

Anonymous ID: b8714b July 6, 2018, 1:03 a.m. No.2053569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3578 >>3601 >>3629 >>3641



Well, you know that we were created

When the Nephilim came to earth

And mated with Chimpanzees

The Sumerian scriptures don't say chimps

But we now know their DNA is closest to us

So to find the Nephilim DNA

We just look at what is non-chimp

And if we can identify what that is

We know who the overlords of the Illuminati really are

A geneticist studying human origins

Has done exactly that


And as a side bonus

We now know exactly why a certain Jewish dietary law

Was put in place. Read the website.

And find out who the Nephilim really were

Anonymous ID: b8714b July 6, 2018, 1:10 a.m. No.2053590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3595 >>3607



What about an angled iPhone with mirrored back containing the logo

And an angled computer screen containing the room photo

Where the computer screen angle is done to compensate for

The mirrored iPhone angle

So that the room on the screen

Is not distorted.


By the way, I think your words prove nothing.

You need to have diagrams showing angles and projection rays

To actually PROVE anything

Otherwise you have just made an intelligent guess

Which I have just disproven

Except for the fact

That I too

Have not drawn the diagram with surface angles and projection rays


Come to think of it, nobody has.

I guess this isn't considered to be an important problem to solve.

Anonymous ID: b8714b July 6, 2018, 1:13 a.m. No.2053598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3604 >>3608



People who have gone through MK Ultra or Monarch say exactly the same thing

Because part of the programming

Is to hide parts of your mind

To hide memories

Or to convert the memories into dreams

Anonymous ID: b8714b July 6, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.2053646   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Old news

Lots of that money is now in Vancouver

In businesses, condos and $10 million dollar homes

with bathrooms lined in imported Italian marble and gold faucets

The Islands, the inlets/fjords and the big navigable river with 2 branches

Make it hard to control the coastline

You can drive inland for 45 minutes on the highway

And still see spots were boats unload on the river

Some even carrying containers

Not the deepsea ships, but smaller boats and barges

The big island named Vancouver Island

Has many cities and towns on it

And is supplied by lots of barge traffic

Lots of places to hide your smuggling activities


Wander around the oriental shopping districts (there are MANY)

Or the oriental malls,

And look in the galleries selling expensive artwork

And giant ornately carved stone statues and other objects

No doubt there are people who stash cash in the Caribbean

But an awful lot of money is stashed into VALUABLE OBJECTS

And kept close to home

Can other West Coast cities be much different?