Anonymous ID: cd7996 July 6, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.2053639   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2033594 (pb)

AIM did a good with Hicks-Jones video.

Didn't find until end of video it was them

They mix poison with honey, like they all do.

AIM is much better than Hicks-Jones?

Many people here on the QResearch board still love and respect Hicks- Jones. And cite him even. I don't see many complaints with that.

So J-H is authoritative to Anons. And counts for sauce? To each his own?

I guess when "Q" wrote "We've got the server" It wasn't joshing.

Truly y'all ; most of you have to revise your list of what you consider valid 'sauce' - The idiots in your private circle.[and mine]. there's sauce they will accept, but even when right in their face they won't put it together [in my experience]. You do get lucky with smart strangers sometimes, I have found. But that

s not citation orientated. It's what they already know? But then there's real info. Use your judgment. Some data jumps out once all the pieces start a-resonating into one picture/model/image

"1. Q and Trump have received the contents of my server which includes the following:"


A. Entire DNC Server – Far more than exposed by “Gucifer2.0”

B. Entire HRC Email Server including deleted emails 64,000 total

C. Entire Obama, Podesta, Biden,FBI, CIA, Email servers and attachment files. over one million files total.

D., Hillary, Wiener, Email servers with attachments

E. Pizza gate files, including video, photos, and correspondence.

F.Entire file on Uranium One including Russian Side

G. A Total of 3 Terrabytes, and over 2 million documents.

H. Every donation to the Clinton foundation

I. Every donation to the DNC,

J. Obama’s offshore bank accounts

K. Clinton offshore Bank accounts

L. McCain Bank accounts

M. Every name, address, phone number , credit card payment of SOROS employee donations to DNC, RNC, yes republicans Soros bought off , Anti-fa, Clinton Foundation,

N. Donations to Clinton Campaign from (19) illegal Foreign countries. Nineteen counts of campaign fraud here.

O. Complete Clinton body count over 30 years.

P. Classified Emails

Q Benghazi, Yemen and Syria war plans between HRC< Podesta, Obama, Qatar Rebels/AlQaeda.


Sorry,, I have to stop at QQQQQQQQQQ



Any ideas on who that is? Or how much disinfo is involved.

St. Germaine are top occultists. And I always thought they/it were based in Europe. Weight it as you see fit.