Anonymous ID: 86ea3c March 7, 2024, 3:55 a.m. No.20530172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0207 >>0503

Gamergate 2.0 Heats up as Media Circles the Wagons

Quick Rundown:

>DEI-gaming consultants "Sweet Baby Inc" exposed for harassment and coercion to insert wokeism into video games (example: CEO talk admitting to their coercion tactics

>Issue mostly ignored by Media/Gaming "Journalists" for at least a week

>A group on Steam (URL forms with a list of games that employed Sweet Baby to consult on their creation, along with a discussion board and chat about the issue

>Group swells to just under 200k users as of the time of this post

>Kotaku and other gaming "news" start posting articles over the past 24 hours to start calling the group and users a bunch of wayciss chud nazis


Pic Related:

>Alyssa Mercante, "Journalist" who wrote the Kotaku Article, starts taking heat for defending the Sweet Baby company and CEO for her own racism vs whites

>"Journalist" then hauls off her mask to obliviously spout critical theory talking points after posting said article denying that Sweet Baby pushes critical theory agenda

>"hi! you can't be racist against white people! thanks for tuning in!"

>200k normies redpilled


>the creator is an anon


>6th most popular curator on steam


>ther's also a discord, if case you wanted to redpill normies directly, but mind your optics


>/v/ tranny jannies are banning threads discussing it