Anonymous ID: 7368ec July 6, 2018, 2:06 a.m. No.2053827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3847 >>3883 >>3897 >>4091 >>4323

What is ThirdPath Institute?

and what does it have to do with kids, Valerie Jarrett and Hussein's whitehouse?


Okay anons, if you need something to dig to get you thru the long bread of the catalog-exiles, you're welcome to help me with this one.



Part of a larger suspected pedo/trafficking digg on a West Coast Tech Elite dude's twatter. Can't expose who yet, but was Bill Clinton intern @WH, now does mergers/acquisitions for Microsoft, Cisco, and new Cloud technologies involving Red Cross.


Besides towing the line for hard core standard Dem talking points/RT's, he has lots of twats on wines, especially Sonoma wineries. I've posted a few diggs on them before, high-ticket private events, satanic/pedo symbolism. See pic of one bizarre review and pic of underground banquet hall. Old tunnel systems abound in Sonoma, too. Once in awhile he posts kiddie stuff out of the blue. I digg it and usually find things, almost always some high profile dem behind it. My overall sense is his twatter is an entre for elite consumers of whatever these guys do with kids, and it's all set up to signal as much.



The slate article shown was tweeted a couple weeks ago. He'd gone a LONG time without posting anything but standard political retweets. I guess his customer base was getting desperate. An anon had JUST posted from personal experience that the blue-white stripes are used to mark children for sacrifice. Then I saw the slate article tweeted with the kids all striped up, and all the food items these sickos use to signal (popsicles, watermelon)

Look what I found:

>slate article referenced ThirdPath, Jessica DeGroot

> Twatter account of ThirdPath, Jessica DeGroot has the slate article AND…

> a reply tweet directly to @VJ44 (Valerie Jarrett).

THIRD PATH is some vague-purposed company that helps you have more free time and work less… somehow… involving "shared parenting."

Anonymous ID: 7368ec July 6, 2018, 3:20 a.m. No.2054091   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Moar connections btwn @ThirdPathInst and Hussein: (((Josh Levs)))

Attended Yale, worked for NPR and CNN. Look how thick they pour it on in his bio, kek:

“Truth Seeker in Chief,” “Mr. Reality,”


What service is he providing that he's being given such over-the-top praise by the virtuous MSM?


The Valerie Jarrett connection was a Women's Leadership conference, touring Canada mid-2017.


Anonymous ID: 7368ec July 6, 2018, 4:05 a.m. No.2054209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4212


Does anyone want me to say anything about this on twatter since I have an account? Not links per se, but something like

"Q Research Catalog function down but breads active. Use index." I have zero following (spend all my time here), but if I use #Qanon it might get around.



I don't want to add to slide, but am too tired to digg further and can't resist car talk. First car was a vintage my dad kept and babied. Speedometer went to 265. 7 miles/gal.

Anonymous ID: 7368ec July 6, 2018, 4:48 a.m. No.2054323   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Okay one last samefag add-on to this digg.

This thing of emphasizing changing the way we expect to SEE dads to parent seems to be a big push.


I'm not talking about being suspicious of actual dads. Of course they love their kids and of course we want to support their parenting. But I think what's going on here is cover, trying to normalize a person's expecation of seeing men out with little kids, and of men getting together with groups of little kids. Pedos go where the kids are. And there are only so many priest and gradeschool teacher jobs out there. Just as in pharma, the cabal sometimes has to "create markets."


HRC also is referenced in Podesta Emails discussing "third path" in a 2015 speech. Not the company, just the concept of, ya know, not just two scoops of parenting.


And Valerie Jarrett is mentioned again in some article about a doctor working for her at the white house to promote the "third path."


Nothing conclusive here, I know. Just adding to the hive mind. Not done digging Josh Levs.