I have a theory on why the obsession with geometry. It reflects Satan's obsession with piecing together the God structure from a limited corrupted version of the 12th dimension he resides in. I believe God is the 13th dimension that encompasses everything that is and ever will be, it is a solid perfect structure that has no need for time, everything is experienced simultaneously. It is an entity of pure love and pure light and gives us the free will to separate because when you love something you will allow it to go. 12th dimension is the highest where separation is still in effect and you're effectively an archangel, I think first you become one with the 13th and then in 12th you're allowed the most free will and may exist for as long as you wish in separation, Satan has strayed from god too long and refuses to go back in to the lower dimensions as to return to god one must be pure and have karmic balance, and Satan wants to gain the secrets of the 13th without having to deal with karma, so he desperately tries to construct it himself without realizing that it is impossible from the 12th, you need that extra dimension and that's why he needs all the souls, 13th contains everything, so he seeks to capture all the souls so he can piece together his own shitty version that will never be complete. It's a little theory I'm working on, makes sense to me
Yeah the numbers of dimensions is merely a guess, but it should work with other numbers just as well. God always being the highest