>end game
To eat all the babies.
White hats are PsyOp’ing everyone
All taxes are theft
The government totally sucks
The plan is stupid slow
We live in a spy vs spy reality of information warfare where the military doesn’t follow Jesus’s values but wants you to follow Jesus’s values. Oi vey.
The military: we are going to go do whatever we want anywhere we want cause we have all the weapons and technology
Migrants: we can’t cross over a man made border for a better life
The hypocrisy is over 9000
You can’t have it both ways. You either love your enemies or whoop your enemies asses. It’s not, maybe sometimes love your enemies.
Military: let’s go bomb innocents
Migrants: I have to go through the proper process to cross into another country?
Which one is it? Follow the rules or break the rules? Society cannot sustain in “make up the rules to fit your needs as you go”.
>And sometimes it’s ‘I come not to bring peace, but a sword’
Well then I guess his teachings are left up to interpretation and vary depending on the situation. I guess if my neighbor is pissing me off I can flog them?
Did you see their new WF sneakers?
Next: protester slashed picture of Biden. Then realizes it’s actually the real Biden.
Clearly they only did it to put the name Lincoln into the collective consciousness. I see all they do.
>1. Old Testament = Jewish Law of the Desert
>2. New Testament = Roman Law of the Empire
>3. US Constitution = American Law of the Land
All 3 are forms of controlling the people and free will.
It’s nobody’s business what I do. Humans need to learn to stay out if everyone else’s business.
>greatest actor in all of history.
SRA victimizes children described Norris as one of the Satanists that tortured them.
>Anon's Religion is the US Constitution and anon's "God" is "The Creator" named in the Declaration of Independence.
Very good. I had overlooked all of this. Any form of projection by others should be denied in favor of free will. Thanks for sharing fren.