Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 7:48 a.m. No.20536521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6536 >>6607 >>6649 >>6821 >>7132 >>7277

Colorado House GOP pushes impeachment hearing for Secretary of State who removed Trump from ballot

Mar. 7, 2024


Colorado House Republicans are requesting a hearing for a resolution to impeach Secretary of State Jena Griswold, citing her role in a case to remove former President Donald Trump from the state's presidential primary ballot.


Trump was eligible to remain on the ballot after the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled that states don't have the authority to remove individuals from federal offices under Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution. The Colorado Supreme Court previously decided Trump was ineligible for the ballot under the 14th Amendment because of his actions on Jan. 6, 2021.


In a letter to Democratic House Speaker Julie McCluskie signed by 17 out of 19 House Republicans, they requested the resolution for impeachment be brought up for a vote. Minority Leader Rose Pugliese, R-Colorado Springs, and Rep. Ryan Armagost, R-Berthoud, submitted the resolution on Feb. 8.


"The Secretary of State's request for the removal of a Presidential Candidate from a primary ballot, on the basis of accusations and personal feelings, demonstrates a lack of professionalism and integrity," the Republicans said in the letter.


Griswold supports the state court's decision to remove Trump from the ballot, filing a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing the state has the right to exclude "ineligible insurrectionists." Following the ruling, she expressed"disappointment in the ruling during an interview with MSNBC, adding "it will be up to the American voters to save our democracy in November."


The Republicans' letter added: "The Secretary of State's effort to remove a Presidential Candidate from the ballot … would have silenced the voice of Coloradans statewide, thus displaying a direct threat to Coloradans' freedom of speech."


Griswold said in a statement to The Center Square that the Colorado GOP "continues to focus on conspiracies and political games."


"I will not be intimidated by this baseless proceeding," she added. "While the Republican House Caucus wastes taxpayer dollars to score cheap political points, you can find me working for Colorado voters – Republican, Democratic, and Unaffiliated alike – to ensure they can make their voices heard in free and fair elections."


Following the ruling Monday, state party officials and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert said they're exploring legal options, including a recall effort to oust Griswold.


"The governor and other state and judicial officers, shall be liable to impeachment for high crimes or misdemeanors or malfeasance in office, but judgment in such cases shall only extend to removal from office and disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust or profit in the state," the Colorado Constitution says.

Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 7:51 a.m. No.20536527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6530 >>6607 >>6821 >>7132 >>7277

Super Tuesday election problems Again: ballot scanners, voter check-ins, wrong redistricting

information. 1/2==

Numerous election issues occurred in multiple counties throughout the U.S. on Super Tuesday – from malfunctioning ballot scanners to voters having problems checking in at polling stations and being directed to the wrong station.


Counties in Alabama, California, Texas and Utah all experienced problems, resulting in some voters leaving polling sites without casting a ballot.




In a newly formed congressional district, 6,593 votersreceived postcards from Montgomery County with the incorrect district, the Associated Press reported. The new district was drawn to increase the collective voting power of black residents.


According to the Montgomery County Board of Registrars chairman,election software incorrectly identified some voters as living in the 7th Congressional District, despite living in the 2nd Congressional District. Voters were still able to vote for the correct candidates at the polls.


As of Tuesday evening, the county had sent about 2,000 notices out to affected voters, with the other roughly 4,000 to be sent out Wednesday.




In Nevada County, voter check-in systems were temporarily downTuesday morning as a result of a technical issue. The county said that during that time, between 7-7:30 a.m., voters were given provisional ballots.


The problem “originated from the system vendor and affected multiple counties, was resolved at 7:30 a.m., and voting has resumed as normal,” the county posted on its website.




Harris County, home to the city of Houston, has a history of election issues, to which Super Tuesday added.


Democratic County District Attorney Kim Ogg was told she already voted when she went to cast her ballot in the Texas primary elections.


Ogg was prevented from voting Tuesday morning because a ballot had already been cast in her name, CNN reported.She was also a candidate on the primary ballot but lost the election, according to local news station KHOU 11.


County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth released a statement Tuesday morning, explaining that Ogg's life partner appeared to have mistakenly voted early last week under Ogg's name. Both Ogg and her partner live at the same address.


Ogg was able to cast her ballot later on Tuesday. Both Ogg and her life partner, Olivia Jordan, had to present identification to vote and do not share a last name.


Fort Bend County gave ballots to voters for the wrong precinct during early voting. The county said Monday the issue was caused by 2021 redistricting that resulted in several houses being incorrectly coded. County officials said the issue affected less than 100 voters.


Tarrant County, which includes Fort Worth,experienced ballot scanner issues, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram newspaper.


One polling location had malfunctioning ballot scanners for much of the day. A blind reporter for the Star-Telegram who went to that location found that the proper accommodation equipment for her to vote hadn’t been set up. As a result, it took about two hours for her to cast her ballot.

Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 7:52 a.m. No.20536530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6821 >>7132 >>7277



There were long lines for Republican primaries at some polling locations because of higher turnout than Democrats in Tarrant County. One location didn’t have enough voting machine power cords at the beginning of the day, but the issue was quickly resolved.


Some voting locations in the county initially had difficulties signing in voters, but the problem was promptly solved. However, a couple of GOP voters left one location that had issues with checking voters in.


Travis County also experienced issues signing in voters at polls, but they were quickly identified and resolved, according to the Associated Press.




Multiple counties across the state experienced difficulties with QR codes for signing in GOP voters for their caucuses. The online system was unable to function with the volume of voters trying to access it, causing local GOP leaders to switch to checking their voter registration list and comparing it to people’s photo IDs.


The issue caused some voters to leave without voting.


The Salt Lake County auditor wrote on his X account that his caucus ran out of ballots and voters were told to write down their preferred candidate.


The Utah GOP chairman noted that there were “hiccups” during the caucus, but called it a success overall.


“Following a successful caucus night, I’m proud to announce preliminary results for Utah Republican Party’s Presidential Preference Poll,” said UTGOP Chairman Robert Axson. “I want to thank all the candidates who participated, our dedicated organizers and volunteers, and especially the caucus-goers, even when dealing with long lines and some hiccups to the check-in process in some locations.”

Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 8:08 a.m. No.20536566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6568 >>6609 >>6821 >>7132 >>7277

Democrats Deployed Their Top Election Riggers To Tip 2024

Michael Thielen.1/2

An open records inquiry by the Foundation for Government Accountabilitymay prove the White House violated the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) by directly coordinating agency efforts with a vote-rigging scheme. The Biden administration has tried to hide these efforts from the public, but internal emails obtained by FGA show Justin Levitt and others in the White House directed federal agencies to workwith a vast network of far-left and Democrat activists to help ensure Biden’s reelection.


The coordination, whichbegan almost immediately after Biden was sworn into office, included efforts to get ballots to individuals with “immigration and citizenship issues” as well as those “incarcerated in federal custody.”


In my 25 years working to improve confidence in our elections, one thing has never changed:Democrats will falsely charge Republicans with suppressing the vote. This is because election chaos and false allegations of voter suppression have no downside for Democrats and will be rewarded. There is no better example than Levitt, the former top adviser to President Biden on voting.


Early in his presidency, Joe Biden appointed Levitt as the White House election czar. Often behind the scenes, Levitt has made a career out of cries of voter suppression, and he has made his name as the attorney for arguably the worst election-rigging group in history.


Formerly the senior policy adviser for democracy and voting rights to the White House, Levitt got his big break in 2004-2005 when he served as in-house counsel to America Coming Together (ACT). ACT was to serve as the left’s one-stop-shop for get-out-the-vote and all things voting — the group to organize all the other leftist groups. Under Levitt’s counsel, ACT became one of the most corrupt voting groups in history.


In Ohio alone — the most fought-over state in the 2004 presidential race — ACT engaged in multiple election manipulation schemesdesigned to tilt the election in favor of Democrat nominee John Kerry.


News reports from 2004 detailed widespread allegations of fraud against the group. In Ohio’s Lake and Summit counties alone, local news reports found that “[m]ore than 1,000 voter registration forms and absentee ballot requests” may have been fraudulent and noted that “investigations of irregularities are broadening.”


As one official summed it up:“’We’ve seen voter fraud before, but never on this level.”’


To make matters worse, ACT used convicted felons to procure these registrations.


It wasn’t just voter fraud.It was also voter suppression. In Marion County, the Ohio Republican Party sought a restraining order against ACT for allegedly sending GOP voters messages directing them to the wrong polling place. Ultimately, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) fined Levitt’s group $775,000 — the third largest fine in FEC history and the largest ever for a group of its type at the time — for multiple violations of federal campaign finance laws.


As a lawyer in charge of keeping ACT out of trouble, you would think this outrageousvote-rigging scheme would hurt Levitt’s career. Nope. It led to promotions.


Levitt then became a key leader for the Brennan Center, a leftist think tank that considers itself a leading voice on elections and campaign finance. If the left cared about election administration or campaign finance law, they never would have hired the lawyer who oversaw what the FEC found were record-breaking exploitation of elections. But his upward rise in the left’s anti-democracy movement continued until he was eventually rewarded with the ultimate voting job — advising the president of the United States….

Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 8:09 a.m. No.20536568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6609 >>6821 >>7132 >>7277




At the White House, he used his background tosupercharge the Biden administration’s efforts to leverage federal agencies and rig the 2024election for Democrats.Executive Order 14019directsevery federal agency to work with leftist extremist groups to register and mobilize voters. Sounds like a federal government version of ACT. Levitt was a great person to bring in to defend this arguably illegal effort with his experience in manipulating voter registration at ACT.


The APA, adopted in 1946, requires federal agencies to have independent discretion from a large, centralized government. It came in the wake of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal, which created many new federal agencies, causing Congress to seek to protect the rights of individuals from abuses of administrative power.


But now, Biden’s executive order on elections is in place while the courts deal with it. Just as the FEC fined ACT years later, the courts are likely to eventually strike down or substantially limitBiden’s executive order. But it will likely be long after the election has been manipulated.


In addition, Levitt almost certainly played a leading role in crafting the unhinged remarks that President Biden gave attacking Georgia’s Election Integrity Act in 2021. Biden infamously claimed the new law was “Jim Crow in the 21st century” and predicted it would lead to chaos and suppress minority votes.


The new laws did neither. Georgia’s first election after the adoption of the package of election reforms saw record turnout. The remarks were so false that even The Washington Post Fact Checker gave them “four Pinocchios” — their worst rating reserved for “whoppers.”


Levitt may be gone from the White House, his work there complete,but the incentives remain for those on the left to cry voter suppressionwhile undermining democracy. Until it is guaranteed such proven manipulators will never again be given power or influence, most voters will not have confidence in our elections.

Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 8:15 a.m. No.20536584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6821 >>7132 >>7277

NY Court Preserves Mail-In Voting Free-For-All Three Years After Voters Rejected It




Three years after New Yorkers said only people with a legitimate excuse should receive a mail-in ballot, a court ruled that a state law overriding the public’s position can remain in place.


The New York State Appellate Division, Third Department granted Democrats’ motion to dismiss an appealfrom Republican-affiliated groups challenging New York’s “Early Mail Voter Act,” which was signed into law in 2023. The law allows anyone to obtain an early mail-in ballot. Every Republican in the state legislature opposed the legislation, alongside five Democrats.


The Republican National Committee, Republican Reps. Elise Stefanik and Claudia Tenney, Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections and other Republicangroups alleged the law was enacted in “defiance of Article II, § 2, ignoring and subverting the will of the People whom the Legislature is supposed to represent.”


New Yorkers had previously issued a resounding “no” when asked to vote on the constitutional amendment in 2021. Prior to the state’s Democrats usurping the will of the people, the New York State Constitution said voters who wanted an absentee ballot had to provide an excuse. Republicans statewide successfully launched a massive campaign against the measure.


But a state Supreme Court judge ruled in February the law was constitutional, eliciting rebuke from New York Republican Party Chair Ed Cox.


“Since the Civil War, New York’s state Constitution has required a constitutional amendment in order to expand absentee voting. The Legislature acknowledged this fact when in 2021 it submitted an amendment for no-excuse absentee voting,” Cox said in a statement.


“Now, our reckless Democrat-controlled Legislature brazenly states thatbecause they don’t call these mail-in ballots ‘absentee’ ballots, they do not require a constitutional amendment — even though the mail-in early vote ballots are identical in every respect to an absentee ballot.”


New Yorkers rejected Proposition 4 more than a year after voters requested approximately 2.5 million absentee or military ballot requests during extensive lockdowns, according to Democrat and Chronicle. Democrats ignored the legal excuse requirement and allowed people to claim they needed to vote absentee to avoid contracting Covid-19.


As a result, the state saw the number of absentee ballot requests balloon. During the 2016 race, 495,520 absentee ballots were requested and 400,660 were returned, according to Democrat and Chronicle. The number of absentee ballots requested quadrupled in 2020.


Permitting no-excuse mail-in ballots is a surefire way to stain the election process. Just ask voters in Queens. Abdul Rahman was indicted by Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz in December after he allegedly submitted 118 absentee ballot applications during the 2022 Democrat primaries.


The scheme was discovered when a voter went to vote in person and was told “an absentee ballot had already been requested in his name.” An investigation determined someone else had requested, filled out, and submitted an application in the man’s name. Rahman was listed as the person authorized to transport the ballot. The voter said he had no idea who Rahman was.



Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 8:29 a.m. No.20536632   🗄️.is 🔗kun



TLTP “Too long to post”

Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 8:40 a.m. No.20536688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6694 >>6716

8 MAR, 05:29

Medvedev calls Biden a US’ disgrace

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman said that US President should not have mentioned his predecessor Franklin Delano Roosevelt (kek)


MOSCOW, March 8. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden should not have mentioned his predecessor Franklin Delano Roosevelt, because, unlike Roosevelt, he only disgraces the US, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said, commenting on the State of the Union address.


"In the State of the Union address, Biden compared himself with Franklin Delano Roosevelt. That’s a so-so comparison. Obviously, not in his favour," Medvedev said on his X page. " He is the United States’ disgrace!"


Medvedev pointed out that, even though the 32nd US President was an infirm man in a wheelchair, "he raised America from the Depression," whileBiden is a "mad, mentally disabled individual who set his mind on dragging humanity to hell."


In addition, the official continued, Roosevelt fought for peace together with allies, including the USSR, while "Biden is actively and persistently trying to start WWIII."


Finally, Roosevelt "was fighting against fascists, but Biden is fighting for them," Medvedev concluded.

Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 8:48 a.m. No.20536722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No attack perpetrated on Zelensky's motorcade in Odessa — Medvedev

The politician concluded his post with the Latin proverb: "Nullum malum sine aliquo bono" (There is, in fact, no evil without some good - TASS)


MOSCOW, March 7. /TASS/. No one planned to mount an attack on Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky's motorcade in Odessa, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said.


"Everything here is obvious to everyone. Both that there was no attack on the motorcade in Odessa,and [moreover] that if a target had been set, they (Russian forces - TASS) would have hit it,"Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel, commenting on the explosion that occurred on March 6 in Odessa in close proximity to the motorcade of Zelensky and his guest, visiting Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. (So True.)


"But it's still somehow a pity," the official said. "It's a pity that it (the missile - TASS) was precisely launched in a pre-planned place," he added. (He’s saying Zelensky planned it, for media blutz)


Medvedev concluded his post with the Latin proverb: "Nullum malum sine aliquo bono" (There is, in fact, no evil without some good - TASS).

Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 9:15 a.m. No.20536875   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7132 >>7277

Proof that Johnson is a Coward. Andy Biggs On Mike Johnson's Meeting With Dems: "He Believed Whatever They Told Him"


Excellent Truth, God Bless Biggs



Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 9:18 a.m. No.20536894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6974 >>7132 >>7277

Rep. Matt Gaetz And John Frankman Detail How the Vaccine Mandate Has Effected Military Families. Proves Bidan is intentionally destroying the Military




Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 9:36 a.m. No.20536974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7258


Really important to listen. The vaccine killed and harmed 50,000+ soldiers. None of the DOD will stand by the military man power to stop the cover up of the retired Flag officers & Generals didn’t step up for all soldiers harmed by the vaccine. They ALL became SES

Anonymous ID: ced0be March 8, 2024, 9:40 a.m. No.20536992   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Scott Bessent Explains The 'Toxic Brew' Immigration, Inflation, Interest Rates. He robbed the working class bank to give it to the top 15% of earners


Transfer of wealth to the top 15% as opposed to the working class

