Anonymous ID: 271325 March 8, 2024, 3:39 p.m. No.20538395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8404 >>8405 >>8409 >>8410 >>8450


I remember this vividly. I was live, on the Board, the day it was posted. Will we ever find out if this really was a hitman?

Will we ever get answers to some of the mysteries we watched unfold here, in real time?

I hope so.


Because I'm a nosy broad, and the Baker called this bred "Ladies Edition," so since I'm a lady, I'd like some answers, please.

Oh, and before all y'all start asking for TOGTFU, I'm attaching a pic under a spoiler warning.

And now, back to answering my question, please.

Thank you.

Anonymous ID: 271325 March 8, 2024, 4:54 p.m. No.20538746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8751


Yeah, I can tell you're definitely a patriot, ID#27e124. I've greatly enjoyed your posts in this bread tonight.

I needed to goof off a little.

But it's good to see you here, promising our enemies of what is coming at them, that nothing can stop.

That's what keeps me alive.

Knowing how much has been achieved, already, and how close we are to seeing some justice.

God bless you, Anon.
